Public Meetings Revised AgendaMonday, February 10, 2025 at 7:00 P.m. - 8:00 P.m.Council ChambersWhitby Town HallStatutory Public Meetings under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13 This meeting will be held in a hybrid in-person and virtual format, and will be available for viewing through the Town’s live stream feed while the meeting is in progress. Please visit for more information about the live stream and archived videos. Should you wish to provide comments regarding a matter being considered below, please submit written correspondence and/or a Delegation Request Form. To submit written correspondence, please email your correspondence to the Office of the Town Clerk at by noon on the day of the meeting. Correspondence must include your full name, address, and the item on the agenda that your correspondence is related to. To speak virtually during the Public Meetings, please submit a Delegation Request Form online to the Office of the Town Clerk by 8 a.m. on the day of the meeting. Those wishing to speak in-person are encouraged to submit a Delegation Request Form, but are not required to pre-register in order to speak at the Public Meetings. Should you be unable to access a computer, please call 905.430.4315 to speak with a Staff Member in the Office of the Town Clerk. Interested parties who wish to be notified of updates pertaining to a matter considered at a Public Meeting may submit an Interested Party List Registration Form. Requests may also be submitted in-person during the meeting at a registration kiosk located in Council Chambers, Whitby Town Hall (575 Rossland Rd E). A Revised Agenda may be published on a later date. Late items added or a change to an item will appear with an asterisk beside them. Format of Public Meetings Public meetings are chaired by a Member of Council appointed as the Planning Chair by the Mayor and will proceed as follows: Town Staff will provide a brief overview of the application; The applicant or their representative may provide information regarding the application; Members of the public wishing to provide input may do so via written submission sent to or by oral submission; and, The Chair may call on the applicant and/or staff to provide clarification on matters raised by members of the public. The Office of the Town Clerk captures all feedback received during a public meeting in minutes to provide a written record for Staff and Council of the public meeting.Public Meetings - 7:00 p.m. 1.PDP 04-25, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 04-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 04-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 04-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Concept Plan PDP 04-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Proponent’s Proposed Elevations Plan PDP 04-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule A PDP 04-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 2585 PDP 04-25.pdfRe: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, Whitby Curling Club, 815 Brock Street North, File Number: DEV-35-24 (Z-17-24)2.PDP 05-25, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 05-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 05-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 05-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Concept Plan PDP 05-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule H PDP 05-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule I PDP 05-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law No 2585 PDP 05-25.pdfRe: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, Bousfields Inc., on behalf of Yeda Whitby Limited Partnership, 307 Brock Street South, File Number: DEV-27-24 (Z-12-24)Delegations: Mona Al-Sharari, representing Yeda Whitby Limited Partnership (In Person Attendance) * 3.PDP 06-25, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 06-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 06-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 06-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Site Plan PDP 06-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule J PDP 06-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law No 1784 PDP 06-25.pdfRe: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, Madison Winchester Limited, Winchester Road East and Cachet Boulevard, File Number: DEV-39-24 (Z-20-24)Delegations: Courtney Fish, representing Madison Winchester Limited (In Person Attendance) * 4.PDP 07-25, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 07-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 07-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 07-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Concept Plan PDP 07-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Excerpt from the Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule A PDP 07-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law No 2585 PDP 07-25.pdfRe: Temporary Use Zoning By-law Amendment Application, RAI Architect Inc. c/o Charles McVety, 300 Water Street, File Number: DEV-01-25 (Z-01-25)5.PDP 08-25, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 08-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 08-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 08-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponents Proposed Concept Plan PDP 08-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Proponents Proposed Elevations Plan PDP 08-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from the Town of Whitby Secondary Plan Schedule H PDP 08-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 2585 PDP 08-25.pdfRe: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, Whitby Brock Estates Ltd., 423, 425, 427, and 435 Brock Street North, File Number: DEV-40-24 (Z-21-24)Delegations: Arthur Grabowski, representing Whitby Brock Estates Ltd. (In Person Attendance) * 6.PDP 09-25, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 09-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 09-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 09-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Concept Plan PDP 09-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Envision Durham Official Plan Map 1 PDP 09-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Envision Durham Official Plan Map 2 PDP 09-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Envision Durham Official Plan Map 4 PDP 09-25.pdf8.Att 7 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Map 1 PDP 09-25.pdf9.Att 8 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule A PDP 09-25.pdf10.Att 9 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule C PDP 09-25.pdf11.Att 10 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Appendix 1 PDP 09-25.pdf12.Att 11 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Appendix 2 PDP 09-25.pdf13.Att 12 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 1784 PDP 09-25.pdfRe: Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-aw Amendment Applications, Coronation Properties Inc., 5900 Coronation Road, File Number: DEV-42-24 (OPA-2024-W/11, Z-22-24)7.PDP 10-25, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 10-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 10-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 10-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Site Plan PDP 10-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule A PDP 10-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law No 1784 PDP 10-25.pdfRe: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, Paul Demczak c/o 2490987 Ontario Inc., 1399 Dundas Street East, File Number: DEV-03-25 (Z-02-25)Delegations: Paul Demczak, representing 2490987 Ontario Inc. (Virtual Attendance) * 8.PDP 11-25, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 11-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 11-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 11-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Site Plan PDP 11-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Proponent’s Proposed Landscape Plan PDP 11-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Proponent’s Proposed Building Elevations PDP 11-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Town of Whitby Secondary Plan Schedule J PDP 11-25.pdf8.Att 7 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 1784 PDP 11-25.pdfRe: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, MHBC Planning Limited on behalf of 5515 Garrard Real Estate Inc., 5515 Garrard Road, File Number: DEV-34-24 (Z-16-24)Delegations: David McKay, representing 5515 Garrard Real Estate Inc. (Virtual Attendance) * 9.PDP 12-25, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 12-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 12-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 12-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Concept Plan PDP 12-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Proponent’s Proposed Building Elevations PDP 12-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Except from the Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule A PDP 12-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Excerpt from Town of Whitby Secondary Plan Schedule R PDP 12-25.pdf8.Att 7 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 1784 PDP 12-25.pdfRe: Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, GHD on behalf of 1151 Whitby GP Inc., 1151 Dundas Street West, File Number: DEV-46-24 (OPA-2024-W/12, Z-23-24)Delegations: Steven Edwards, representing 1151 Whitby GP Inc. (In Person Attendance) * No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.PDP 05-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 05-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 05-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Concept Plan PDP 05-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule H PDP 05-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule I PDP 05-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law No 2585 PDP 05-25.pdf1.PDP 10-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 10-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 10-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Site Plan PDP 10-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule A PDP 10-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law No 1784 PDP 10-25.pdf1.PDP 04-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 04-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 04-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Concept Plan PDP 04-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Proponent’s Proposed Elevations Plan PDP 04-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule A PDP 04-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 2585 PDP 04-25.pdf1.PDP 11-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 11-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 11-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Site Plan PDP 11-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Proponent’s Proposed Landscape Plan PDP 11-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Proponent’s Proposed Building Elevations PDP 11-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Town of Whitby Secondary Plan Schedule J PDP 11-25.pdf8.Att 7 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 1784 PDP 11-25.pdf1.PDP 12-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 12-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 12-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Concept Plan PDP 12-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Proponent’s Proposed Building Elevations PDP 12-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Except from the Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule A PDP 12-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Excerpt from Town of Whitby Secondary Plan Schedule R PDP 12-25.pdf8.Att 7 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 1784 PDP 12-25.pdf1.PDP 07-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 07-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 07-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Concept Plan PDP 07-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Excerpt from the Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule A PDP 07-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law No 2585 PDP 07-25.pdf1.PDP 06-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 06-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 06-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Site Plan PDP 06-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule J PDP 06-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law No 1784 PDP 06-25.pdf1.PDP 08-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 08-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 08-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponents Proposed Concept Plan PDP 08-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Proponents Proposed Elevations Plan PDP 08-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from the Town of Whitby Secondary Plan Schedule H PDP 08-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 2585 PDP 08-25.pdf1.PDP 09-25 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 09-25.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 09-25.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent’s Proposed Concept Plan PDP 09-25.pdf5.Att 4 - Envision Durham Official Plan Map 1 PDP 09-25.pdf6.Att 5 - Envision Durham Official Plan Map 2 PDP 09-25.pdf7.Att 6 - Envision Durham Official Plan Map 4 PDP 09-25.pdf8.Att 7 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Map 1 PDP 09-25.pdf9.Att 8 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule A PDP 09-25.pdf10.Att 9 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule C PDP 09-25.pdf11.Att 10 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Appendix 1 PDP 09-25.pdf12.Att 11 - Town of Whitby Official Plan Appendix 2 PDP 09-25.pdf13.Att 12 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 1784 PDP 09-25.pdf