Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee Minutes

Hybrid Meeting
Whitby Town Hall
  • Margaret Clayton
  • Deanna Hollister, Chair
  • Lisa Johnson
  • Richard Klingler
  • Rick McDonnell
  • Paul Rolland, Vice-Chair
  • Vincent Santamaura
  • Terry Standish
  • Don Mitchell
  • Brian Winter, Honourary Member
Also Present:
  • Edward Belsey, Senior Manager, Policy and Heritage Planning
  • David Johnson, Staff Liaison, Planner II Heritage
  • Matthew Lucic, Heritage Summer Student
  • Heather Ellis, Council and Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary)

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byTerry Standish

    That the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee minutes of April 9, 2024 be approved.


Re: James Rowe House Restorations

David Prashad provided a presentation regarding the James Rowe House Restorations. Highlights of the presentation included:

  • an overview of the project scope including replacement of the exterior siding, windows and doors, asphalt shingles and soffit/fascia, repair of the wood decking and handrails, and updates to the mechanical and electrical safety equipment; and,
  • the timelines for each phase of the project.

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • details about the proposed exterior siding material, including its life expectancy, composition, and width of the boards;
  • whether pre-finished wood siding options were considered, and the Committee's preference for wood siding rather than composite board siding;
  • whether consideration was given for preserving the original siding;
  • details about the proposed asphalt shingles and whether a textured option was available to mimic cedar shingles;
  • reviewing historical pictures to determine the original roofing material;
  • installing interior storm windows on the front of the building in order to preserve the original windows without compromising energy efficiency;
  • whether the muntin bars would be replaced;
  • treating the front porch windows as part of the restoration;
  • details about replacing the doors, including alterations to the openings and maintaining the outer trim;
  • whether the project scope included insulating the building;
  • the state of the furniture inside the building;
  • whether the basement was assessed for structural integrity and water damage;
  • whether installation of a security system would be included in the project scope;
  • brining the design back to the Committee for review; and,
  • maintaining a photographic record of the transformation of the building.

There were no delegations.

Ed Belsey provided an update regarding the Official Plan Review. Mr. Belsey stated that there were four areas of interest within the Official Plan Review which included:

  • conformity to the new Region of Durham Official Plan - Envision Durham, A Place to Grow: The Growth Plan, and the Provincial Policy Statement;
  • the Brooklin Secondary Plan;
  • the Protected Major Transit Station Area; and,
  • strategic growth areas.

Mr. Belsey stated that presentation materials and a link to the Official Plan Review would be available at connectwhitby.ca/OPreview. He further stated that a public open house was scheduled for May 29, 2024.

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • whether the project will include a review of heritage policies;
  • defining the limits of intensification and determining when intensification impacts the quality of life of residents; and,
  • the ability for the Official Plan to establish maximum height limits for buildings.

Matthew Lucic, Heritage Summer Student, provided a brief introduction of himself.

June 2, 2024, 10:00 a.m.

David Johnson advised that Byron Street would be closed during the Royal Canadian Legion Cenotaph 100 Year Anniversary Parade.

There was no correspondence.

There was no Council update.

Margaret Clayton advised that 5360 Thickson Road North, the Hunter Farm, was demolished. Ms. Clayton stated that the Committee recommended that 5360 Thickson Road North be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act during the March 10, 2015 Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) Heritage Committee meeting.

Vincent Santamaura stated that the Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment requirements to analyze the heritage value of properties has become more thorough.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 7:00 p.m.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byRick McDonnell

    That the meeting adjourn.


    The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

    Note: These minutes were approved by the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee on June 11, 2024.

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