Steven Godwin and Mike Wingrove, Residents, expressed their concerns regarding the proposed 2025 to 2027 Budget and the potential property tax implications of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation's (MPAC) next province wide reassessment. They noted the impact of increased property taxes on affordability for residents. Mr. Wingrove provided a spreadsheet outlining the increase to his property taxes between 2018 to 2024 and projected future increases.
A question and answer period ensued between Members of Council, Staff, Steven Godwin and Mike Wingrove regarding:
- clarification regarding the calculation of Mr. Wingrove's cumulative property taxes;
- concerns regarding the potential property tax implications of MPAC's next province wide reassessment;
- whether MPAC has recently reassessed the delegate's property;
- whether the delegates are seeking alignment between budget increases and the rate of inflation;
- continued consultation between Town staff and residents regarding property taxes and the budget; and,
- the difficulty of comparing the proposed or approved budgets of neighbouring municipalities given the variety of factors impacting budget calculations.
F. Wong, Commission of Financial Services/Treasurer explained the calculation of property taxes using MPAC's assessed value and the property tax rate, as well as the potential impact of the next province wide reassessment. Mr. Wong advised that Town staff are available to meet with residents to clarify the calculation of their property taxes.