Whitby Sustainability Advisory Committee Minutes

Hybrid Meeting
Whitby Town Hall
  • Wenda Abel
  • Sara Best, Vice-Chair
  • Andrea Cecchetto
  • Janet Dignem
  • Brian Kelly
  • Patti Mavins
  • Catherine Philogene
  • Bryan Widner, Chair
  • Bob Willard
  • Zartasha Zainab
  • Anahita Jami
Also Present:
  • Councillor Leahy, Mayor's Designate
  • Junaid Khan, Staff Liaison, Project Manager, Sustainability and Climate Change
  • Adam Benner, Staff Liaison, Energy Coordinator
  • Heather Ellis, Council and Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary)

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byBrian Kelly

    That the Whitby Sustainability Advisory Committee minutes of February 7, 2024 be approved.


Re: Invasive Species Management

Paul LaPorte provided a presentation regarding Invasive Species Management. Highlights of the presentation included:

  • a summary of Whitby's historical ecological diversity;
  • phragmites as the most prominent invasive species and their impacts on the environment and infrastructure;
  • the importance of an Invasive Plant Management Strategy;
  • budgeting for invasive species management with a five year outlook;
  • partnering with municipalities, indigenous groups, and gardening groups;
  • supporting invasive species awareness;
  • a desire for the Town to address public concerns regarding invasive species and maintaining a record of invasive species in the municipality;
  • integrated pest management strategies to address invasive species such as prevention and monitoring;
  • ensuring correct identification of invasive species;
  • entering invasive species on the Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS);
  • adopting a clean equipment protocol to limit cross-contamination of environments from equipment;
  • responding to early detection of priority species; and,
  • chemical treatment of invasive species as a last resort.

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • the prevalence of invasive species in Whitby;
  • the cost to determine the degree of invasive species in an area;
  • the classification of dog strangling vine as a priority species;
  • whether wild grapevine was considered an invasive species;
  • whether other lakeshore municipalities budget for invasive species management;
  • suggestions for addressing allelopathic plants, being plants that alter the soil to prevent other plants from growing in a specific location;
  • the Town department responsible for managing invasive species;
  • the existence of an invasive species mapping application for mobile devices;
  • next steps to develop an invasive plant management strategy;
  • strategies to engage residents in community invasive species management initiatives; and,
  • the availability of resources and pamphlets to distribute for public engagement.

It was the consensus of the Committee to hear Item 8, Council Update, at this time.

There were no delegations.

Junaid Khan provided information regarding the Housing Accelerator Fund which included:

  • investments for affordable housing and affordable housing infrastructure; and,
  • a list of funding allocations including Zero Carbon Whitby Projects, Climate Emergency Response Plan (CERP) Phase 1 – Storm Water Management, CERP Phase 2 – Home Retrofit Incentives, and the Whitby Green Standard Incentive Program.

A brief question and answer period ensued regarding whether the funding allocations included hiring a Sustainability Planner to help implement the initiatives outlined in the Zero Carbon Whitby Plan.

Junaid Khan provided a summary of Town Sustainability Events for 2024 which included the Official Tree Planting and LEAF education event and the Community Tree Spring Planting event.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • the Committee's participation in the tree planting events;
  • giving away potted trees and/or seed packets at the tree planting events;
  • setting up an educational display on invasive species at the Committee's event booths; and,
  • labelling seed packets with a QR code linked to a website with information on invasive species.

Junaid Khan provided a summary of events for March including:

  • hosting a Staff lunch and learn event on World Sustainable Procurement Day 2024;
  • announcing Whitby's Official Tree on United Nations International Day of Forests;
  • social media posts to celebrate water and awareness of those living without access to safe water on World Water Day; and,
  • social media posts and reducing power consumption at Town facilities to recognize Earth Hour.

Re: Committee of the Whole - March 4, 2024

Bryan Widner advised that this was passed by Council at the March 4, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.

A brief discussion ensued regarding requiring developers and builders to meet a certain criteria pertaining to the installation of heat pumps.

Note: This item was deferred to the Whitby Sustainability Advisory Committee meeting of April 3, 2024.

There was no correspondence.

Councillor Leahy provided an update regarding:

  • the $25 million Federal Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) program funding awarded to the Town to support construction of the Whitby Sports Complex;
  • the $8 million federal grant awarded to the Region of Durham to support installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations throughout the Region of Durham;
  • the Town's 2024 approved budget; and,
  • the Whitby Sustainability Advisory Committee's request that Council support the Ontario Energy Board's recommendation to end the gas pipeline subsidy was passed at the March 4, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.

It was the consensus of the Committee to hear Item 5, Delegations, at this time.

There was no other business.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 - 7:00 p.m.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byBrian Kelly

    That the meeting adjourn.


    The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

    Note: These minutes were approved by the Whitby Sustainability Advisory Committee on April 3, 2024. 

No Item Selected