Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee Minutes

Hybrid Meeting
Whitby Town Hall
  • Peter Angelo, Director of Engineering
  • Gary Carroll
  • Ana Duff
  • David Johnston
  • Liam Lacy
  • Brad Mavins
  • John Patte
  • Lewis Williams
  • Swathi Miriyala
Also Present:
  • Councillor Mulcahy, Mayor's Designate
  • Justin Malfara, Principal Planner, Zoning and Regulation
  • Mattson Meere, Supervisor, Parks Planning
  • Tara Painchaud, Staff Liaison, Senior Manager of Transportation Services
  • Lalita Thakali, Staff Liaison, Transportation Engineer
  • Heather Ellis, Council and Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary)

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byGary Carroll

    That the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee minutes of March 14, 2024 be approved.


There were no presentations.

There were no delegations.

Tara Painchaud provided a summary of proposed updates to the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee’s Terms of Reference. Highlights of the updates included:

  • a reduction in the number of Members appointed to the Committee;
  • the addition of a Youth Council Liaison; and,
  • focusing the Committee's Mandate and Responsibilities on education and promotion of the Town's active transportation programs and initiatives.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • concerns about removing review of draft site plans and Town budgetary items;
  • alternatives to attending events including planning communication and social media campaigns;
  • updating active transportation trails in google maps; and,
  • creating a ‘Did You Know’ campaign to educate the public regarding active transportation within the Town.

Lalita Thakali provided a detailed overview of the 2024 Active Transportation Projects and Budget items. Ms. Thakali further provided an overview of 2024 Region of Durham active transportation projects.
Discussion ensued regarding:

  • the effectiveness of automated speed regulation and concerns with overdoing photo radar;
  • considerations for bike lanes on Coronation Street north of Winchester Road; and,
  • the timeline for the Corbett Creek Bridge construction.

Note: This matter was deferred to a future Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee meeting.  

Tara Painchaud provided an overview of the street sweeping schedule. Ms. Painchaud stated that developers were required to submit a Construction Management Plan to the Town. She further stated that the Construction Management Plan outlined the responsibilities of developers and the developer's strategies to minimize the impact of development construction to residents. 

David Johnston stated that he provided Committee feedback to Town staff following the Henry Street Bridge Renovation Project Workshop. Mr. Johnston requested information regarding the condition of the Henry Street Bridge and whether a decision had been made to rebuild or rehabilitate the bridge.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • re-engineering the bridge deck;
  • maintaining the paved shoulders on Henry Street; and,
  • focusing on constructing a multi-use path on the bridge while accommodating road cycling with paved shoulders.

There was no correspondence.

Councillor Mulcahy provided an update regarding:

  • the Parks and Recreation Master Plan;
  • impacts to the Gordon Soccer Fields between July 2024 and October 2026 during the removal of contaminated sediment from the Whitby Harbour;
  • the opening of a 'market style' food bank at the Iroquois Park Sports Centre;
  • the Official Plan Review Open House on May 29, 2024; and,
  • Ward Town Hall meetings on May 23, May 28, and June 5, 2024.

At 6:02 p.m. there was no longer the required number of Members present to maintain quorum and the meeting adjourned.

Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 4:00 p.m.

Note: These minutes were approved by the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee on June 13, 2024.

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