Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes

Virtual Meeting
  • Larry Brual
  • Victoria Formusa
  • Liam Lacy
  • Mike Moraites
  • Michael Richards
  • Paul Scott
  • Marta Swirydowicz
  • Adam Lamplugh
Also Present:
  • Councillor Shahid, Mayor's Designate
  • Michele Cotton, Staff Liaison, Accessibility Coordinator
  • Heather Ellis, Recording Secretary, Council and Committee Coordinator

Marta Swirydowicz declared a conflict of interest regarding Item 6.3, Regional Accessibility Award Whitby Nominations, as she is an employee of the Abilities Centre.

Ms. Swirydowicz did not take part in the discussion or voting on this matter.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byLiam Lacy

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee minutes of May 7, 2024 be approved.


Re: Town of Whitby’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Kim Evans and Mattson Meere provided a presentation regarding the Town of Whitby’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Highlights of the presentation included:

  • an overview of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan;
  • a summary of the process for developing the Parks and Recreation Master Plan;
  • details of parkland, facility, and service delivery recommendations;
  • phasing in the implementation of recommendations; and,
  • next steps for the Parks and Recreations Master Plan.

Members of the Committee provided feedback including:

  • incorporating fully accessible surfaces into the design of new and redeveloped parks such as rubber tiles;
  • installing accessible play equipment in new and redeveloped parks;
  • including inclusive play opportunities in playgrounds for interactive play; and,
  • including a designated Section about accessibility within the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, as well as reference to accessibility within all other Sections.

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • the process for addressing concerns related to accessibility barriers resulting from maintenance work in parks and trails; and,
  • the availability of accessibility grants for new parks.

Michele Cotton requested that Members review the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and provide feedback by June 14, 2024.

There were no delegations.

Michele Cotton advised that the 2023-2026 Accessibility Plan will be included on the June 10, 2024 Committee of the Whole agenda.

Michele Cotton provided an update regarding National AccessAbility Week activities which included the National AccessAbility Flag raising, the ‘Did You Know’ social media campaign, the Kitten Cuddle and Stretch Mental Health Break for Town Staff, and the screening of the movie Unsyncable. Ms. Cotton stated that there were 80 attendees at the screening of the movie Unsyncable. She further stated that continued advertisement of the Accessibility Improvement Grant was required.

Having declared a conflict of interest, Marta Swirydowicz did not take part in the discussion or voting of this matter.

Paul Scott requested that Members discuss nominations for the Regional Accessibility Award.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • nominating the Abilities Centre for their work promoting accessibility awareness and the Leading Equitable and Accessible Delivery (LEAD) Process; and,
  • nominating Circle Taxi for their commitment to providing accessible taxi services in Durham Region.
  • Recommendation:

    Moved byLiam Lacy

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee nominates the Abilities Centre as the recipient for the Regional Accessibility Award in recognition for their work on the Leading Equitable and Accessible Delivery (LEAD) Process and promoting accessibility awareness through Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) initiatives.


Site Plans and Built Environment Subcommittee

Michele Cotton provided an update regarding the Site Plans and Built Environment Subcommittee. Ms. Cotton stated that the Subcommittee would be auditing six playgrounds using the Playground Audit tool.

Communication and Customer Service Subcommittee

Liam Lacy provided an update regarding the Communication and Customer Service Subcommittee. Mr. Lacy advised that Circle Taxi fulfilled the conditions set out by the Accessibility Advisory Committee regarding the approval of their Accessibility Improvement Grant application.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byLiam Lacy
    1. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee is satisfied with the information provided by Circle Taxi and that the following conditions of the Accessibility Improvement Grant application have been met:
      1. To provide updated financial information regarding operating and maintaining accessible vehicles, and the Company’s matching dollars contribution; and,
      2. To maintain a minimum of three accessible taxis actively providing service and one additional accessible taxi available for high traffic times, and to cover maintenance.
    2. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the Accessibility Improvement Grant application submitted by Circle Taxi in the amount of $10,000 matching dollars.

Paul Scott stated that correspondence was received regarding the Committee’s recommendation requesting Council to direct Staff to include questions about accessibility and inclusion on all public facing consultation and surveys. Mr. Scott advised that Staff provided additional information about potential survey questions and other consultation methods to improve accessibility and inclusion in Town facilities and services.

Councillor Shahid provided updates regarding:

  • Whitby’s Official Tree Unveiling and LEAF Community Tree Planting events;
  • receiving public feedback for a new by-law to guide the use of micromobility devices;
  • grass cutting maintenance standards for parks and boulevards;
  • completion of the first public art project since the implementation of the Public Art Policy;
  • the 2025 Budget public engagement strategy; and,
  • the new Rules of Procedure By-law adopted by Council.

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • managing rented micromobility devices left on sidewalks after use;
  • whether contract requirements for micromobility device rentals would be included in Town By-laws; and,
  • opportunities for the Committee to provide feedback in the development of the Micromobility By-law.

Mike Moraites requested an update regarding the grant application for an accessible kayak dock.

Michele Cotton advised that the grant application had been submitted.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 - 7:00 p.m.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byMike Moraites

    That the meeting adjourn.


    The meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.

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