Whitby Sustainability Advisory Committee Minutes

Hybrid Meeting
Whitby Town Hall
  • Wenda Abel
  • Sara Best, Vice-Chair
  • Andrea Cecchetto
  • Janet Dignem
  • Brian Kelly
  • Patti Mavins
  • Catherine Philogene
  • Bryan Widner, Chair
  • Bob Willard
  • Zartasha Zainab
  • Anahita Jami
Also Present:
  • Councillor Leahy, Mayor's Designate
  • Adam Benner, Staff Liaison, Energy Coordinator
  • Junaid Khan, Staff Liaison, Project Manager, Sustainability and Climate Change
  • Kristin Palilionis, Staff Liaison, Climate Change Coordinator
  • Heather Ellis, Council and Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary)

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byBrian Kelly

    That the Whitby Sustainability Advisory Committee minutes of March 6, 2024 be approved.


Re: Brock Street Re-design Project

Christy Chrus provided a presentation regarding the Brock Street Re-design Project. Highlights of the presentation included:

  • an overview of the Brock Street Re-design Project;
  • the scope of the project being the Brock Street corridor between Highway 401 and the CP Railway overpass;
  • details of the three phases of the project being the Concept Phase, the Design Phase, and the Construction Phase;
  • an overview of the project work plan and timelines;
  • installing green infrastructure and increasing urban tree canopy;
  • considering opportunities for incorporating low impact stormwater management systems;
  • recommended improvements to active transportation; and,
  • next steps for the Brock Street Re-design Project including a virtual Open House, survey launch, and presentation of the concept design.

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • whether improvements to building facades were included in the Brock Street Re-design Project;
  • details about the ‘unique identity’ of downtown Whitby;
  • whether there were discussions with CPKC to improve the aesthetics of the CP overpass;
  • considering cooling features such as white pavement surfaces, shade structures, and misting;
  • whether there was a plan to redirect traffic due to the reduction of lanes along Brock Street;
  • using Vancouver as a model for integrating walking paths through the centre of roadways, increasing tree canopy, and adding green infrastructure;
  • whether the Street-side Patio Program would continue to be implemented in the downtown; and,
  • investigating installing electrical vehicle charging stations in the downtown.

There were no delegations.

It was the consensus of the Committee to hear Item 8, Council Update, at this time.

Kristin Palilionis provided an update regarding the Whitby Green Standard. Ms. Palilionis advised that Staff were reviewing the background report developed by the consultant. She stated that the next step would be moving to Phase 2 and updating the Whitby Green Standard checklist.

A brief question and answer period ensued regarding the uptake of the Whitby Green Standard by developers.

Kristin Palilionis provided an update regarding March Sustainability events which included:

  • a Staff Sustainable Procurement Lunch and Learn on March 21, 2024;
  • United Nations International Day of Forests on March 21, 2024;
  • World Water Day on March 22, 2024; and,
  • Earth Hour on March 23, 2024.

Kristin Palilionis provided an update regarding April Sustainability events which included:

  • the Bird Conservation Presentation at the Whitby Public Library Rossland Branch on April 16, 2024;
  • Whitby's Official Tree Unveiling and Tree Tour at Whitby Civic Park on April 20, 2024;
  • the LEAF Community Tree Planting activity at Whitby Civic Park on April 20, 2024;
  • Earth Month Family Storytime and Craft at the Whitby Public Library Central Branch on April 27, 2024; and,
  • the Repair Café and Waste Diversion Event at the Whitby Public Library Central Branch on April 27, 2024.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • setting up a Whitby Sustainability Advisory Committee booth at Whitby’s Official Tree Unveiling and Tree Tour Event;
  • providing pictures and sample plants of invasive species to help educate residents of various invasive species in Whitby; and,
  • distributing seed packets.

There was no correspondence.

Councillor Leahy provided an update regarding:

  • the next phase of the Hospital Campaign;
  • the Region's 2024 approved budget;
  • the March 27, 2024 Regional Council Meeting and the motion to support the decision of the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to end the Natural Gas Pipeline subsidy and to ask the Ontario Government to allow the decision to stand; and,
  • installing five digital advertising screens on the CP Railway overpasses.

It was the consensus of the Committee to hear Items 6.1, Whitby Green Standard Update, at this time.

Brian Kelly provided an update regarding the motion to support the decision of the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to end the Natural Gas Pipeline subsidy and to ask the Ontario Government to allow the decision to stand. Mr. Kelly advised that Regional Council referred the issue back to Staff.

Brian Kelly provided an overview of the approval process stages for subdivision developments beginning with the Official Plan to construction and sale of homes. Mr. Kelly reviewed the status quo of current heating options for subdivision developments and where in the approval process various options for heating were considered and determined. He posed the question whether there was an opportunity for municipalities to review the type of infrastructure needed to support alternatives to natural gas, and at what stage in the approval process timeline that review would take place.

Wenda Abel requested information regarding the Rowe Channel Upgrade Study, shoreline erosion between Heydenshore Park and Thickson Road, and the dredging of Whitby Harbour around Pringle Creek.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • presentations for future Committee meetings;
  • applying to the Invasive Species Action Fund through the Invasive Species Centre;
  • the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Invading Species Awareness Program; and,
  • inviting regional and municipal staff to future Whitby Sustainability Advisory Committee meetings as guests to provide information to the Committee.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - 7:00 p.m.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved bySara Best

    That the meeting adjourn.


    The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

    Note: These minutes were approved by the Whitby Sustainability Advisory Committee on May 1, 2024. 

No Item Selected