F. Wong, Commissioner of Finance/Treasurer and A. McCullough, Director of Finance/Deputy Treasurer provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding the 2023 Budget. Highlights of the presentation included:
- the 2023 budget process timeline;
- top budget priorities according to public engagement feedback;
- participation rates in the Citizen Budget Tool;
- an overview of the proposed 2023 Budget, resulting in a 6% increase to the Town's portion of the property tax bill;
- budgetary pressures relating to maintaining Town facilities and service levels;
- the impact of inflation, estimated using the forecasted Municipal Price Index (MPI) and Consumer Price Index (CPI);
- proposed budgetary adjustments to mitigate the inflationary pressures of maintaining service levels;
- projected funding levels to keep infrastructure in a state of good repair, including the proposed contribution to the Asset Management Reserve fund;
- the impact of population growth on the 2023 Budget;
- the proposed contribution to the Growth Reserve Fund to accommodate growth-related infrastructure;
- an overview of decision items outlined in the 2023 Budget Book;
- prioritizing the maintenance of existing services and implementing new programs/services;
- the financial impact of hiring the proposed 23.01 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions recommended in the Workforce Plan Study, included as a budget decision item;
- decision items that reduce the proposed 2023 Budget, including their impact on service levels;
- a detailed breakdown of the proposed 2023 Budget, including budget pressures and reductions;
- the anticipated financial impact of Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act;
- a summary of decision items that were not included in the proposed 2023 Budget;
- the proposed and approved 2023 Budget increases of comparator municipalities;
- the combined 2023 property tax bill increase and its financial impact on the average residential Whitby homeowner;
- the financial impact of applicable proposed or approved 2023 Budget increases on homeowners living in comparator municipalities;
- programs that support residents, including tax rebate programs, the tax deferral program for seniors, the Access Program, and support for Regional programs;
- results of the 2022 BMA Municipal Study, which indicates Whitby is below the municipal average for 2022 property taxes as a percent of household income;
- a summary of the proposed 2023 Capital Budget, funded by Asset Management Reserves, development charges, the Growth Reserve Fund, long term debt, and other sources such as program reserves, the one time reserve, and external contributions;
- additional investments required to reduce the Town's annual greenhouse gas emissions as part of the Zero Carbon Whitby Plan; and,
- next steps in the 2023 Budget process.
A question and answer period ensued between Members of Council and staff regarding:
- clarification regarding the backlog in projected annual infrastructure investments, and how the Town compares to other municipalities;
- whether Elexicon will increase their dividend revenues within the forecasted period;
- a comparison of the average tax bill increase between neighbouring municipalities, considering the variation in average home values;
- the impact of commercial and industrial growth on future budgets;
- whether deferring larger projects due to inflation may lower the 2023 Budget;
- concerns regarding additional investments required to meet the goals of the Zero Carbon Whitby Plan;
- clarification regarding the allocation of funds proposed in the 2023 Capital Budget, specifically investments in Fire and Emergency Services and Active Transportation;
- clarification regarding funds that will be reallocated from Open Streets Whitby to operate the Brooklin Farmers' Market, National Indigenous People's Day, and Ghost Walks of Whitby;
- whether summer student positions are funded by federal grant programs;
- investments required to expand the Windrow and Sidewalk Snow Clearing Service to a greater number of residents;
- the impact of Bill 23 and the implications of spending reserve funds;
- provincial and federal grant applications to support the Town's sustainability initiatives; and,
- supporting Town and third-party events in Downtown Whitby.