Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee Minutes

Hybrid Meeting
Whitby Town Hall
  • Margaret Clayton
  • Deanna Hollister, Chair
  • Lisa Johnson
  • Richard Klingler
  • Rick McDonnell
  • Don Mitchell
  • Paul Rolland, Vice-Chair
  • Vincent Santamaura
  • Terry Standish
  • Brian Winter, Honourary Member
Also Present:
  • Councillor Yamada, Mayor's Designate
  • Lori Tesolin, Principal Planner, Policy and Heritage Planning
  • David Johnson, Staff Liaison, Planner II, Heritage
  • Heather Ellis, Council and Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary)

The Committee was advised that the appointment for Chair and Vice-Chair of the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee for the January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025 term would take place at this time.

David Johnson called for nominations for the position of Chair of the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee.

Paul Rolland nominated Deanna Hollister for the position of Chair of the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee.

Deanna Hollister accepted the nomination.

There were no further nominations and the nominations were closed.

Deanna Hollister called for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee.

Rick McDonnell nominated Paul Rolland for the position of Vice-Chair of the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee.

Paul Rolland accepted the nomination.

There were no further nominations and the nominations were closed. 

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byPaul Rolland

    That Deanna Hollister be appointed Chair of the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee for a term ending on December 31, 2025. 

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byRick McDonnell

    That Paul Rolland be appointed Vice-Chair of the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee for a term ending on December 31, 2025. 


Vincent Santamaura declared a conflict of interest regarding Item 5.1, 91-99 Baldwin Street, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications as the property owner is a client of his personal business.

Mr. Santamaura did not take part in the discussion or voting on this matter.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byRick McDonnell

    That the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee minutes of November 12, 2024 be approved.


Re: 91-99 Baldwin Street, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications

Having previously declared a conflict of interest, Vincent Santamaura did not take part in the discussion or voting regarding this Item as a Member of the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee.

Vincent Santamaura, acting as agent and Principal Architect for the property owner, provided a presentation regarding the Heritage Impact Assessment report for 91-99 Baldwin Street. Highlights of the presentation included: 

  • details about the subject lands and designation under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act;
  • a summary of the proposed four storey, multi-residential development with retail units fronting on Baldwin Street;
  • a comparative analysis between the originally approved 2017 site plan and the proposed amended site plan;
  • details about the amended proposed building elevations;
  • a summary of the Heritage Impact Assessment;
  • conforming with the Brooklin Heritage Conservation District Plan; and,
  • recommendations regarding the revised design proposal.

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • the material and colour of the proposed building facade;
  • altering the colour scheme to complement the existing streetscape;
  • reflecting the heritage design of downtown Brooklin;
  • details about the density of the proposed amended site plan;
  • whether an Environmental Impact Assessment Study was conducted for the amended site plan;
  • the number of retail units within the amended site plan;
  • public parking for the retail units; and,
  • details about the site entrance and driveway.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • the increased density of the site plan; and,
  • proposing a colour palate and architecture that complements existing heritage designs in Brooklin.
  • Recommendation:

    Moved byTerry Standish

    That the Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee has no objection to the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for 91-99 Baldwin Street and that the applicant continue to consult with Staff to select a colour palate that is in keeping with the historical background of Brooklin.


There were no delegations.

David Johnson provided details regarding the 2025 Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee Work Plan.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • the upcoming Heritage Conservation District Reviews;
  • continuing the Register Review in compliance with the requirements of Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act;
  • promoting cultural heritage;
  • the Town’s February Heritage Newsletter;
  • Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee booth themes at the Whitby Farmers' Market and Harvest Festival; and,
  • creating a pamphlet highlighting the differences between the Historical Society and Heritage Conservation.

Lisa Johnston requested that the Committee consider setting up a Heritage Whitby Advisory Committee booth at one of the Lynde House Museum History in the Park events.

Councillor Yamada provided an update regarding the recommended Official Plan Amendments for the Whitby GO Protected Major Transit Station Area and other Strategic Growth Areas, Nodes and Corridors.

Margaret Clayton requested an update from Staff regarding potential impacts the recommended Official Plan Amendments for Strategic Growth Areas and the Whitby GO Protected Major Transit Station Area (PMTSA) may have on heritage properties within the Port Whitby area and Dundas Street corridor.

Lori Tesolin stated that the proposed amendments to the Whitby Official Plan and PMTSA supported the provincial government policies and Envision Durham to increase height and density. Ms. Tesolin stated that height and density would be increased closer to the Whitby GO Train Station, and then decreased as development spread out from that area. She advised that the underlying land uses for properties in the Port Whitby area on the east side of Brock Street would remain the same. Ms. Tesolin explained that the Downtown Whitby Secondary Plan policies would apply to the Dundas Street corridor and intersection of Dundas Street and Brock Street, also known as the Four Corners.

Margaret Clayton requested clarification about whether the province would grant municipalities decision making authority to determine which areas would be subject to densification.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 7:00 p.m.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byMargaret Clayton

    That the meeting adjourn.


    The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

No Item Selected