Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes

Virtual Meeting
  • Victoria Formusa
  • Liam Lacy, Vice-Chair
  • Adam Lamplugh
  • Mike Moraites
  • Michael Richards
  • Paul Scott, Chair
  • Marta Swirydowicz
  • Larry Brual
Also Present:
  • Councillor Shahid, Mayor's Designate
  • Michele Cotton, Staff Liaison, Accessibility Coordinator
  • Heather Ellis, Recording Secretary, Council and Committee Coordinator

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byAdam Lamplugh

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee minutes of April 2, 2024 be approved.


There were no presentations.

There were no delegations.

Michele Cotton provided an update regarding the 2023-2026 Accessibility Plan. Ms. Cotton stated that the format of the Accessibility Plan was updated to a high-level multi-year strategic plan.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • demographics of individuals with disabilities in Canada;
  • highlights from the 2019-2022 Accessibility Plan;
  • the overall vision to deliver an accessible environment for all community members, staff, and visitors;
  • requirements of policy training and the bi-annual Provincial Compliance reporting cycle;
  • customer service standards, including promoting the Accessibility Improvement Grant and collaboration between departments;
  • information and communication standards, including accessible document training and public engagement;
  • employment standards, including creating an inclusive and accessible workplace, removing barriers, and fostering a culture of inclusion;
  • the design standards for public spaces which highlights accessibility improvements in the natural and built environment, and accessible playgrounds;
  • the transportation standard that supports the provision of accessible taxi service through licensing; and,
  • preventative and emergency maintenance of the accessible elements in public spaces, and procedures for managing temporary disruptions to accessible elements.
  • Recommendation:

    Moved byAdam Lamplugh

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee supports the 2023-2026 Accessibility Plan, as written.


Michele Cotton provided an update regarding National AccessAbility Week which included:

  • the National AccessAbility Flag raising at Town Hall on Monday May 27, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.;
  • a ‘Did You Know’ social media campaign to promote accessibility in the community, including promotion of the Accessibility Improvement Grant;
  • supporting the Easter Seals Red Shirt Day of Action for Accessibility and Inclusion; and,
  • the screening of the movie Unsyncable at the Whitby 55+ Recreation Centre.

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • whether seating would be available at the National AccessAbility Flag raising; and,
  • providing feedback on topics covered in the ‘Did You Know’ campaign.

Site Plans and Built Environment Subcommittee

Michele Cotton provided an update regarding the Site Plans and Built Environment Subcommittee. Ms. Cotton stated that the Subcommittee was developing the Playground Audit tool and seeking feedback from the Community Services Department Staff regarding the accessibility of Town playgrounds. She advised that the Subcommittee would choose two playgrounds to audit, the results of which will be discussed with Staff.

Communication and Customer Service Subcommittee

Michael Richards provided an update regarding the Communication and Customer Service Subcommittee. Mr. Richards stated that the Subcommittee was working on the ‘Did You Know’ campaign and has reviewed the Accessibility Improvement Grant application received from Circle Taxi.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byAdam Lamplugh

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the Accessibility Improvement Grant application submitted by Circle Taxi in the amount of $10,000 matching dollars on the conditions that they:

    1. Provide updated financial information regarding operating and maintaining accessible vehicles and the Company's matching dollars contribution; and,
    2. Maintain a minimum of four accessible taxis to provide service.

Michele Cotton advised that the Region of Durham requested that nominations for the Accessibility Awards be submitted by July 1, 2024. Ms. Cotton requested that Members provide their suggestions for nomination at the June 4, 2024 Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting.

Councillor Shahid provided an update regarding:

  • a presentation received by Council on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan; and,
  • the Abilities Centre's 2024 Accessibility Awards winners.

Mike Moraites advised that he completed the West Whitby Holdings Local Park Playground Equipment Survey and noted that the survey did not include questions pertaining to accessibility. Mr. Moraites suggested the Committee recommend that at least one piece of accessible equipment be installed in all new Town parks. He also provided feedback regarding potential survey questions pertaining to park and playground accessibility.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • including a question regarding accessible equipment in park surveys; and,
  • highlighting existing programs such as the installation of accessible swings in local parks based on resident requests.
  • Recommendation:

    Moved byMike Moraites

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee requests that Council direct Staff to include questions about accessibility and inclusion on all public facing consultation and surveys.


Liam Lacy advised that an Autism Fun Fair fundraising event was being hosted at Heydenshore Pavilion by Lake Ridge Community Support Services on May 25, 2024. Mr. Lacy raised concerns regarding fundraising for Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) and how ABA treatment was perceived by some members of the Autistic Community.

A brief question and answer period ensued regarding the criteria considered by the Town when licensing and/or cohosting the Autism Fun Fair and other similar events.

Michele Cotton advised that the Town was submitting a grant application for an accessible kayak dock. Ms. Cotton stated that the accessible kayak dock would be installed at the public launch near Gordon Street. She requested that the Committee endorse a letter supporting this initiative.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 - 7:00 p.m.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byLiam Lacy

    That the meeting adjourn.


    The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

    Note: These minutes were approved by the Accessibility Advisory Committee on June 4, 2024.  

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