Councillor Cardwell indicated that Councillor Lundquist was a strong candidate for the position of Deputy Mayor, having served as Chair of General Government throughout 2024, noting that she has a strong grasp of meeting decorum.
Councillor Leahy indicated that he would like to suspend the Rules of Procedure to introduce a motion to remove additional remuneration for the position of Deputy Mayor, being an increased car allowance. He then read a statement about Councillor Yamada's experience as Deputy Mayor in 2024, alleging that Councillor Yamada had experienced a number of microaggressions from Members of Council while serving as Deputy Mayor due to his ethnic background.
At this point in the meeting, Mayor Roy requested that Councillor Leahy apologize to Council for his remarks or leave the Council Chambers for the duration of the meeting. Councillor Leahy indicated that he would not apologize or leave the Council Chambers.
It was the consensus of Council to take a brief recess at this time.
Council recessed at 5:15 p.m. and reconvened at 5:29 p.m.
Following the recess, Mayor Roy reiterated her request to Councillor Leahy that he either apologize to Council for his remarks or leave the Council Chambers for the duration of the meeting. Councillor Leahy indicated that he would not apologize or leave the Council Chambers. Mayor Roy then requested a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Note: Further consideration of this item, including consideration of the recommendation did not occur as the meeting adjourned during this portion of the meeting. This item will be deferred to a future meeting.