Liam England, Planner I, Current, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included an overview of the applications.
Rodger Miller, representing Strathdale Developments Inc., provided a PowerPoint presentation which included a detailed overview of the applications.
The Chair indicated that comments would now be received by members of the public.
Geoff Pethick, Resident, raised concerns about the density of the proposed development and stated that the proposed development was not compatible with the density of the surrounding homes. Mr. Pethick raised concerns regarding traffic along Christine Elliott Avenue and asked whether additional parking spaces would be provided for the proposed commercial units facing Christine Elliott Avenue. Mr. Pethick stated the land along Micklefield Avenue was originally proposed to be a school site, noting that the proposed development was for 49 residential units. He asked about where local students would attend school and the location of school bus stops. Mr. Pethick inquired about the development of the property located at the corner of Country Lane and Taunton Road, and future recreational space for residents in the area.
Srinath Appala, Resident, raised concerns regarding an increase in traffic from the proposed development and the impact on pedestrian safety. Ms. Appala requested information regarding plans to ensure the safety of students at school bus stops.
Rajesh Sonawane, Resident, raised concerns regarding traffic congestion and speeding. Mr. Sonawane inquired about plans to ensure pedestrian safety.
Yashwant Verma, Resident, raised concerns regarding the privacy and security for residents living along Christine Elliott Avenue directly across from the proposed commercial units. Mr. Verma raised additional concerns regarding traffic congestion along Christine Elliott Avenue, student safety at school bus stops, and the quality of life for residents due to the proposed development. Mr. Verma stated that there was a need for a school in the immediate area, and requested that additional parking for the proposed commercial space be considered.
Rodger Miller answered questions regarding:
- evaluating the need for additional recreational space and land use needs;
- determining whether additional parking spaces were required for the commercial block;
- details about the type of commercial business expected in the proposed development; and,
- reviewing the Traffic Impact Study and Parking Analysis to determine potential impacts of the proposed development on traffic congestion and pedestrian safety.
Staff answered questions regarding:
- the process for assessing school expansions and capacities by the Durham District School Board and Durham Catholic District School Board; and,
- details about the designated land use for the property at the corner of Country Lane and Taunton Road.
There were no further submissions from the public.