Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes

Virtual Meeting
  • Larry Brual
  • Liam Lacy, Vice-Chair
  • Adam Lamplugh
  • Michael Richards
  • Paul Scott, Chair
  • Marta Swirydowicz
Also Present:
  • Councillor Shahid, Mayor's Designate
  • Michele Cotton, Staff Liaison, Accessibility Coordinator
  • Heather Ellis, Council and Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary)

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byMichael Richards

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee minutes of September 3, 2024 be approved.


There were no delegations.

Michele Cotton provided an update regarding the Region of Durham's Accessible Taxi Survey which included:

  • the deadline for paper submissions;
  • the purpose of the survey; and,
  • a summary of the preliminary results of the survey.

Michele Cotton provided an update regarding the Accessibility Advisory Committee’s 2024 Work Plan which included:

  • an overview of the Committee's accomplishments in 2024;
  • the Committee’s attendance at the Harvest Festival and Christmas in the Village; and,
  • developing and implementing the Playground Audit tool.

Michele Cotton requested that Members provide their suggestions for 2025 Committee priorities at the January 7, 2025 Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting. Ms. Cotton recommended that the Committee continue to focus on one or two projects to maximize success.

Discussion ensued regarding revisiting the 2022 Community Survey results and continuing to work collaboratively.

Site Plans and Built Environment Subcommittee

Michele Cotton provided an update regarding the Site Plans and Built Environment Subcommittee. Ms. Cotton stated that the Subcommittee competed a playground audit for Pringle Creek Park using the Playground Audit tool. Ms. Cotton stated that the next steps included reviewing the park audit results with design and maintenance staff to discuss elements of an accessible playground, and the required playground equipment and amenities to create an accessible, barrier-free park for all users.

Communication and Customer Service Subcommittee

Liam Lacy provided an update regarding the Communication and Customer Service Subcommittee. Mr. Lacy advised that the Subcommittee discussed the Committee’s 2022 Community Survey, the recruitment process for Committee vacancies, and the Christmas in the Village event.

Councillor Shahid provided an update regarding:

  • approval of planning development applications and improvements to public transit within the Town;
  • partnering with the Downtown Whitby BIA on the Operation Cozy Toes campaign to collect new pairs of socks for those in need; and,
  • the Whitby Scouts Remembrance Day ceremony.

Adam Lamplugh requested that the Committee consider ways to promote accessibility awareness for new businesses.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • advertising the Accessibility Improvement Grant;
  • partnering with the Whitby Chamber of Commerce to promote the Accessibility Improvement Grant to businesses; and,
  • creating a flyer to promote the Accessibility Improvement Grant.

Marta Swirydowicz provided an update regarding the LEAD Process and advised that the Town of Whitby would be participating in the LEAD Process.

Larry Brual expressed concerns regarding pedestrian safety on Ferguson Avenue. Mr. Brual stated that there were no sidewalks or street lighting. Mr. Brual requested information regarding reporting safety concerns to the Town and how to receive updates about Ferguson Avenue.

Paul Scott recommended that the Committee prioritize developing an online accessibility reporting form known as the Report a Barrier program.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - 7:00 p.m.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byLiam Lacy

    That the meeting adjourn.


    The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

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