Special Council Minutes

Whitby Operations Centre
333 McKinney Drive
  • Mayor Roy
  • Councillor Leahy
  • Councillor Lundquist
  • Councillor Mulcahy (Arrived at 1:09 p.m.)
  • Councillor Shahid (Arrived at 1:14 p.m.)
  • Councillor Yamada (Arrived at 1:17 p.m.)
  • Councillor Bozinovski
  • Councillor Cardwell
  • Councillor Lee
Also Present:
  • F. Santaguida, Commissioner of Legal and Enforcement Services/Town Solicitor
  • M. Dodge, Executive Advisor to the Mayor
  • K. Narraway, Sr. Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk (Recording Secretary)

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

Mayor Roy provided a brief introduction regarding the purpose of the Community Safety Roundtable and attendees introduced themselves.

Re: Traffic Calming Plan Updates

T. Painchaud, Sr. Manager, Transportation Services provided a presentation regarding Traffic Calming Plan Updates. Highlights of the presentation included:

  • the process the Town is undertaking to develop a new Traffic Calming Policy and associated Traffic Calming Guide; 
  • details about upcoming workshops with stakeholders and public engagement sessions regarding the draft Traffic Calming Policy; 
  • how data is collected regarding traffic volumes and the Town's focus on school zone safety; 
  • information about streets in the Town where traffic calming measures were installed in 2024; and, 
  • the different types of traffic calming measures available for use.

A brief question and answer period ensued regarding the status of the ongoing project to determine how the Town may regulate e-mobility devices and the effectiveness of flexible bollards on roads in school zones.

Re: By-law Enforcement Technology

A. Gratton, Sr. Manager, Enforcement Services provided a presentation regarding By-law Enforcement Technology. Highlights of the presentation included:

  • the Town's recent adoption of the Administrative Penalties System (APS) for parking enforcement; 
  • benefits of the APS versus the former Provincial Offences Act system; 
  • the ability for the Town's Enforcement Services Officers to issue penalty notices by personal service or by mail; 
  • an outline of the process to dispute a penalty notice issued through the APS; 
  • information about the Town's new Traffic By-law, including a tiered and escalating fine structure for penalty notices; 
  • details about the use of a Licence Plate Recognition system by Enforcement Services; and, 
  • a year over year comparison of school zone enforcement in 2023 and 2024. 

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • communicating information about the APS and penalty notices to school administrators to share with students; 
  • the Town's Short Term On-Street parking program; 
  • how information about the tiered and escalating fine structure is detailed on penalty notices; and, 
  • feedback received from school communities about the APS. 

Re: Durham Regional Police Service Question and Answer Period

Inspector Gill Lock, Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) provided updates regarding:

  • the number of schools in Central West Division; 
  • the "In The Zone" school safety initiative organized by DRPS; 
  • statistics about the number of Provincial Offence Notices issued and the number of vehicle collisions in and around school zones; and, 
  • how residents can report dangerous and aggressive driving through the Road Watch Program. 

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • working with DRPS to identify and prioritize school zones that require enforcement; 
  • vehicle noise concerns and challenges associated with noise enforcement; 
  • locations in the Town that experience a high rate of vehicle collisions; 
  • designated community safety zones being eligible locations for automated speed cameras; 
  • ensuring operators of e-mobility devices exercise caution around pedestrians and when crossing intersections; and, 
  • DRPS School Liaison Officers and the role that they play in fostering safer school communities. 

Re: Question and Answer Period and Feedback from Whitby School Community Councils

F. Santaguida, Commissioner, Legal and Enforcement Services/Town Solicitor facilitated a discussion amongst attendees regarding: 

  • how Town Staff work with Durham Student Transportation Services to receive updated information about school populations to determine where crossing guards are needed; 
  • two new schools opening in the West Whitby area in the near future; 
  • how school sites are identified through a collaborative exercise between School Boards and the Town's Planning and Development Department; 
  • making the construction of new schools more efficient by using pre-approved school designs from the Ministry of Education; 
  • how schools communicate with their student populations to encourage walking; 
  • opportunities to improve communication between School Boards and the Town to identify walking routes that require winter maintenance; 
  • providing education and training to residents to ensure understanding of traffic calming measures and roundabouts; and, 
  • managing construction traffic around schools in order to keep students safe.
  • Moved byCouncillor Shahid
    Seconded byCouncillor Lundquist

    That the meeting adjourn.


    The meeting adjourned at 2:52 p.m.

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