Public Meetings Minutes

Council Chambers
Whitby Town Hall
  • Councillor Mulcahy, Chair of Planning and Development
  • R. Saunders, Commissioner of Planning and Development
  • K. Douglas, Sr. Legislative Specialist
  • H. Ellis, Council and Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary)

K. Douglas, Sr. Legislative Specialist, advised that the Public Meetings are being held in a hybrid meeting format with members of the public attending both in person and virtually. Ms. Douglas stated that Members of Council would receive a written record of all submissions upon publication of the minutes of the Public Meetings. Ms. Douglas provided an overview of the format of the public meetings. She advised that members of the public who wish to be notified of the next report related to any of the public meetings or who wish to be placed on an Interested Parties List for a matter should email the Town's Planning and Development Department at or call 905.430.4306.

Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, 1000091294 Ontario Ltd., 3115 and 3125 Garden Street, File Number: DEV-06-24 (Z-01-24)

Lauren Taylor, Planner II, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included an overview of the application.

Adam Layton, representing 1000091294 Ontario Ltd. provided a PowerPoint presentation which included a detailed overview of the application.

The Chair indicated that comments would now be received by members of the public.

Maureen Moloney, Resident, raised concerns regarding an increase in traffic along Rossland Road and Garden Street resulting from the proposed development. Ms. Moloney raised additional concerns regarding the density of the proposed development and disruptions during the construction phase to surrounding property owners. She stated that the residential density of the proposed development was 208 units per hectare and that the Rossland Road/Garden Street Urban Central Area Secondary Plan permitted a maximum of 110 units per hectare. Ms. Moloney proposed that a new entranceway onto Teddington Crescent for the residents of 712 Rossland Road East be established. She further suggested reducing the height of the proposed tower. Ms. Moloney sought clarification regarding whether the developer has gathered feedback from residents of 712 Rossland Road East.

Alan D’Cunha, Resident, raised concerns regarding an increase in traffic along Bassett Boulevard. Mr. D’Cunha raised concerns regarding the risk of overcrowding to nearby schools and provided a summary of the impacts of overcrowding to students. He raised additional concerns regarding the height of the proposed tower within the proposed development. Mr. D’Cunha suggested that speed bumps be installed along Bassett Boulevard for traffic calming. He further suggested that a dedicated right hand turn lane with a yield sign be installed on Rossland Road, turning north onto Garden Street. He recommended that an assessment be undertaken with the school boards to assess the capacity of local schools. He further recommended that the proposed tower be limited to 12 storeys to be in keeping with neighbouring buildings while allowing for growth.

Kenwyn Richards, Resident, raised concerns regarding the number of units in the proposed development and whether future studies related to the development may impact the number of units. Mr. Richards sought clarification regarding studies conducted that support the proposed development and who would be held accountable should the studies not accurately consider the final impacts of the proposed development. He raised concerns about the Shadow Study and the impacts of shadows cast by the proposed development on 712 Rossland Road East.

Robert Weindorfer, Resident, raised concerns regarding an increase in traffic and disruptions due to construction to local residents. Mr. Weindorfer sought clarification regarding the timeline for completion of the Garden Street/Rossland Road intersection improvements. Mr. Weindorfer suggested that the applicant engage with the residents at 712 Rossland Road East by way of a dedicated phone number or email address to discuss their concerns. He raised additional concerns regarding potential damage to property at 712 Rossland Road East during the construction phase of the proposed development.

James Black, Resident, raised concerns regarding the quality of life for local residents as a result of the proposed development. Mr. Black raised additional concerns regarding an increase in traffic and pedestrian safety. He recommended that the proposed development be downsized.

Adam Layton and Staff answered questions regarding:

  • details about the Official Plan Amendment 133 and density;
  • an entranceway to Teddington Crescent for the residents of 712 Rossland Road East;
  • minimizing shadows and protecting views for residents at 712 Rossland Road East;
  • the timing of the intersection improvements at Rossland Road and Garden Street;
  • the process for assessing school expansions and capacities by the Durham District School Board and Durham Catholic District School Board;
  • reviewing access to Garden Street;
  • reviewing the Traffic Impact Study to determine whether traffic calming measures were required along Bassett Boulevard;
  • requiring addendums to studies should unit counts change;
  • requiring a Construction Management Plan that addresses dust and noise suppression;
  • completing preconstruction surveys to assess conditions of the area and adjacent properties pre and post construction, and compensating local property owners for repairs in case of property damage;
  • encouraging direct dialogue between the residents at 712 Rossland Road East and the applicant;
  • requirements for insurance and liability for developers; and,
  • information about reviewing and approving services such as water, sewer, and storm water management for developments.

Chris Pereira, representing 708 and 714 Rossland Road East, raised concerns regarding the placement of the proposed buildings and separation between the proposed tower and future development on his property. Mr. Pereira stated that the Town of Whitby’s Official Plan did not include separation guidelines for towers. He requested that the proposed applications for 3115 and 3125 Garden Street not impact the future development of 708 and 714 Rossland Road East.

There were no further submissions from the public.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

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