Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee Minutes

Hybrid Meeting
Whitby Town Hall
  • Ana Duff
  • David Johnston, Chair
  • Liam Lacy
  • Brad Mavins
  • Swathi Miriyala
  • John Patte
  • Lewis Williams
  • Gary Carroll, Vice-Chair
  • Dario Pranckevicius
Also Present:
  • Councillor Mulcahy, Mayor's Designate
  • Peter Angelo, Director, Engineering
  • Sean Malby, Senior Manager, Parks, Parks Planning and Culture
  • Justin Malfara, Supervisor, Zoning and Regulation, and Principal Planner
  • Tara Painchaud, Staff Liaison, Senior Manager of Transportation Services
  • Lalita Thakali, Staff Liaison, Transportation Engineer
  • Heather Ellis, Council and Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary)

The Committee was advised that the appointment for Chair of the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee for the remainder of the January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 term would take place at this time.

Heather Ellis called for nominations for the position of Chair of the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee.

John Patte nominated David Johnston for the position of Chair of the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee.

David Johnston accepted the nomination.

There were no further nominations and nominations were closed. 

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byJohn Patte

    That David Johnston be appointed Chair of the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee for a term ending on December 31, 2024. 


There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

John Patte requested that the first two bullet points listed under Item 7.3, 2023 Active Transportation Plan Overview on the January 11, 2024 minutes be amended to read as follows:

  • "the Committee receiving a future presentation on the Complete Street policy;
  • benefits and challenges associated with establishing a stand alone Complete Streets policy;"
  • Recommendation:

    Moved byJohn Patte

    That the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee minutes of January 11, 2024, as amended, be approved.


Re: Brock Street Re-design Project

Sara Taylor provided a presentation regarding the Brock Street Re-design Project. Highlights of the presentation included:

  • focusing on public space elements within the right-of-way;
  • the scope of the project being the Brock Street corridor between Highway 401 and the CP Railway overpass;
  • details of the three phases of the project being the Concept Phase, the Design Phase, and the Construction Phase;
  • an overview of the project work plan and timelines;
  • focusing on active transportation, accessibility, sustainability, historical character and heritage resources, and placemaking opportunities;
  • recommended improvements to active transportation and active transportation provisions; and,
  • next steps for the Brock Street Re-design Project including a virtual Open House, survey launch, and presentation of the concept design.

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • expanding the study area to include active transportation gaps identified by the Committee;
  • circulating the presentation to the Committee;
  • whether beautification along Brock Street was included in the Brock Street Re-design Project scope;
  • aligning priorities identified by the Town and the Metrolinx Bus Rapid Transit project;
  • whether consideration was given to cyclist and pedestrian safety within the downtown area;
  • defining the term 'road diet' and establishing an implementation plan;
  • whether Staff considered the Brock Street Re-design Project to encompass a 'complete streets' approach; and,
  • considerations of the Metrolinx Bus Rapid Transit project during implementation of the Brock Street Re-design Project.

Re: Planning and Review Process for New Developments

Justin Malfara provided a presentation regarding the Planning and Review Process for New Developments. Highlights of the presentation included:

  • stakeholders and agencies involved in the planning and review process for new development;
  • a summary of the provincial, regional, and municipal planning roles;
  • types of planning applications received by the Town;
  • circulation and technical review of applications to other Town departments and review agencies;
  • the purpose of statutory public planning meetings;
  • recommendation reports for applications to be received for approval by Council;
  • conditions for approval that may be placed on plans of subdivision applications; and,
  • the Ontario Land Tribunal appeal process and finalizing development applications.

Discussion ensued regarding:

  • whether the Town has the authority to determine the types of buildings and amenities within a new development;
  • the governing bodies with approval authority over regional roads and provincial highways;
  • whether the Town may establish infrastructure to support provincial demands for development, prior to a given area being developed; and,
  • whether the Town has the authority to enforce urban design standards for a site plan application when a developer has lowered their design standards.

There were no delegations.

Tara Painchaud advised that the 2024 Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee Work Plan would be presented at the May 9, 2024 Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee meeting for consideration.

Lalita Thakali provided an update regarding the Mary Street Cycling Design option. Highlights of the design option included:

  • improving cycling along Mary Street through pavement markings and signage;
  • converting the existing paved shoulder to a bike lane; and,
  • continued on-street parking east and west of Brock Street.

A question and answer period ensued regarding:

  • concerns with maintaining the on-street parking and safety of cyclists; and,
  • submitting comments and feedback to Staff via email.

Lalita Thakali provided an update regarding the Micromobility Public Engagement timeline. Ms. Thakali stated that feedback was received regarding whether the survey was available in paper format. She advised that the communication strategy for the Micromobility Public Engagement would include digital displays, social media posts, and road display signs at Town facilities. She stated that information regarding how e-skateboards, hoverboards, and other micromobility devices would be used was available through the Connect Whitby webpage. Ms. Thakali explained that the online survey would launch in May, and that a Staff Report to Council was expected in the fall.

A brief question and answer period ensued regarding the Town's perspective on privately owned micromobility devices versus rented/shared micromobility devices.

David Johnston stated that an update regarding the 2024 Active Transportation Projects and Budget items would be circulated to the Committee via email for review.

There was no correspondence.

Councillor Mulcahy provided an update regarding:

  • the Town's 2024 approved budget; 
  • the advocacy campaign to bring a new hospital to Durham Region;
  • the Whitby Tourism Strategy; and,
  • the Town's new Public Art Policy.

There was no other business.

Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 4:00 p.m.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved byLewis Williams

    That the meeting adjourned.


    The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

    Note: These minutes were approved by the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee on May 9, 2024. 

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