Special Council Minutes

Council Chambers
Whitby Town Hall
  • Mayor Roy
  • Councillor Bozinovski
  • Councillor Cardwell
  • Councillor Leahy
  • Councillor Lee (Virtual Attendance)
  • Councillor Lundquist
  • Councillor Mulcahy
  • Councillor Yamada
  • Councillor Shahid
Also Present:
  • F. Santaguida, Commissioner of Legal and Enforcement Services/Town Solicitor
  • M. Dodge, Executive Advisor to the Mayor
  • C. Harris, Town Clerk
  • K. Douglas, Sr. Legislative Specialist (Recording Secretary)

Councillor Mulcahy assumed the Chair.

Councillor Mulcahy, Chair of Planning and Development, provided an overview of the format of the meeting. She advised that members of the public who wish to be notified of future engagement opportunities regarding the Official Plan Review may register at connectwhitby.ca/OPreview.

There were no declarations of conflict of interest. 

Re: Official Plan Review

Refer to Item 6.1, PDP 35-24

Susanne MacDonald, Senior Planner, Partner, and Justine Giancola, Senior Planner, SGL Planning and Design, provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Official Plan Review. Highlights of the presentation included:

  • Whitby's projected population and employment growth;
  • an overview of land using planning in Ontario at the provincial and municipal level;
  • the goal of the Official Plan review, being conformity with Envision Durham, preparing for population growth, provincial legislation, and policy changes;
  • focus area 1, being the Whitby Go Protected Major Transit Station Area (PMTSA);
  • focus area 2, being growth in key areas such as the Brock/Taunton Regional Centre and the Rapid Transit Corridor;
  • focus area 3, being the expansion of Brooklin in accordance with Envision Durham;
  • focus area 4, being conformity with provincial and Regional policy and legislation; and,
  • the project timeline and engagement opportunities including surveys and future open houses.

A question and answer period ensued between Members of Council, Ms. MacDonald, Ms. Giancola, and Staff regarding:

  • ensuring the communication and engagement strategy maximizes community consultation;
  • a request from Council for larger maps;
  • clarification regarding the delineation of the Whitby Go PMTSA;
  • the maximum prescribed density of the Whitby Go PMTSA;
  • proactively communicating the potential impact of the proposed Official Plan on affected property owners and clarifying proposed land use designation changes; and,
  • flexibility of the height and density restrictions prescribed by the land use designations within the proposed Official Plan.

Re: PDP 35-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report        
Town-Initiated Official Plan Review - Special Meeting of Council

Refer to Item 6.1, PDP 35-24

Erin O’Reilly, Durham Family Resources, advised the goal of the organization is to support families and individuals with a developmental disability who are seeking safe and affordable housing. Ms. O’Reilly explained the benefits of intentionally built 'ordinary' housing and how these differ from other types of housing, such as group homes and retirement living.

Rosemary Smith, Intentionally Built Communities & Imagining Home, provided her perspective as the parent to a child living in an intentionally built ‘ordinary’ home. Ms. Smith advocated for creative housing solutions that support all individuals, including those with a developmental disability.

A question and answer period ensued between Members of Council, Ms. Smith, and Ms. O’Reilly regarding:

  • encouraging property developers to consider creative solutions to affordable and inclusionary housing;
  • clarification regarding the delegate's desired objectives of the Official Plan Review; and,
  • clarification regarding the use of inclusionary zoning.

Re: PDP 35-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report        
Town-Initiated Official Plan Review - Special Meeting of Council

Refer to Item 6.1, PDP 35-24

Matthew Cory, Brooklin North Landowners Group, provided feedback regarding the land use designations within the proposed Official Plan. Mr. Cory suggested that permitting various types of residential housing in a given zone may support the development of affordable housing. He advocated for flexibility around prescribed parking and zoning standards.

A question and answer period ensued between Members of Council and Mr. Cory regarding:

  • clarification regarding the delegate's request for flexibility around prescribed residential zoning categories;
  • the delegate's awareness of inclusionary zoning as a land use planning policy tool and the availability of government grants to support affordable housing development;
  • the potential negative implications of inclusionary zoning on residents and the municipality; and,
  • whether increasing residential density will support affordable housing.

Re: PDP 35-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report        
Town-Initiated Official Plan Review - Special Meeting of Council

Refer to Item 6.1, PDP 35-24

Ana Duff, Resident, shared her perspective on high density, intentionally built communities. Ms. Duff advocated for communities that balance the natural and built environment, include infrastructure managed by non-profit organizations, green space, and sufficient public transit. She noted the importance of addressing the impact of population growth on existing recreational infrastructure and services.

A brief question and answer period ensued between Members of Council and Ms. Duff regarding the impact of high density development on traffic and parking.

Re: Town-Initiated Official Plan Review - Special Meeting of Council

Discussion ensued between Members of Council regarding the communication and public engagement strategy for the Official Plan Review.

  • Resolution #113-24
    Moved byMayor Roy
    Seconded byCouncillor Leahy

    That Report PDP 35-24 be received for information as part of the Special Meeting of Council in accordance with Section 26 (3) of the Planning Act, which directs Council to consult with the approval authority (Region of Durham) and other prescribed public bodies, as well as hold a Special Meeting of Council open to the public to generally discuss the revisions that may be required as part of the Official Plan Review.


    Councillor Mulcahy vacated the Chair.

    Mayor Roy resumed the Chair. 

  • Resolution #114-24
    Moved byCouncillor Lundquist
    Seconded byCouncillor Cardwell

    That leave be granted to introduce a by-law and to dispense with the reading of the by-law by the Clerk to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Whitby at its special meeting held on May 29, 2024 and the same be considered read and passed and that the Mayor and the Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed.

  • Moved byCouncillor Leahy
    Seconded byCouncillor Lundquist

    That the meeting adjourn.


    The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.