Public Meetings Minutes

Council Chambers
Whitby Town Hall
  • Councillor Mulcahy, Chair of Planning and Development
  • R. Saunders, Commissioner of Planning and Development
  • K. Douglas, Sr. Legislative Specialist
  • H. Ellis, Council and Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary)

K. Douglas, Sr. Legislative Specialist, advised that the Public Meetings are being held in a hybrid meeting format with members of the public attending both in person and virtually. Ms. Douglas stated that Members of Council would receive a written record of all submissions upon publication of the minutes of the Public Meetings. Ms. Douglas provided an overview of the format of the public meetings. She advised that members of the public who wish to be notified of the next report related to any of the public meetings or who wish to be placed on an Interested Parties List for a matter should email the Town's Planning and Development Department at or call 905.430.4306.

Re: Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment, Nordeagle Developments Ltd., northeast corner of Montecorte Street and Victoria Street West, File Number: DEV-10-24 (Z-06-24) 

Liam England, Planner I, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included an overview of the application.

Michael Bisset, representing Nordeagle Developments Ltd., appeared and indicated that he was available to answer any questions about the application.

The Chair indicated that comments would now be received by members of the public.

There were no submissions from the public.

Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, The Baird Team Royal Lepage Baird Real Estate, 55 Garrard Road and Block 33 on Plan 40M-1315, File Number: DEV-08-24 (Z-04-24)

Kerstin Afante, Planner I, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included an overview of the application.

Steve Edwards and Paul Baird, representing The Baird Team Royal Lepage Baird Real Estate, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included a detailed overview of the application.

The Chair indicated that comments would now be received by members of the public.

There were no submissions from the public.

Re: Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, The DK Royal Stars Group Inc., Des Newman Boulevard and Woodrow Court, File Number: DEV-09-24 (OPA-2024-W/03, Z-05-24)

Kerstin Afante, Planner I, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included an overview of the applications.

Catriona Moggach, representing The DK Royal Stars Group Inc., provided a PowerPoint presentation which included a detailed overview of the applications.

The Chair indicated that comments would now be received by members of the public.

There were no submissions from the public.

Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment, and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, Tribute (Charles Street) Limited, 1636 Charles Street, File Number: DEV-07-24 (SW-2024-01, OPA-2024-W/02, Z-03-24)

Liam England, Planner I, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included an overview of the applications.

Michael Testaguzza, representing Tribute (Charles Street) Limited, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included a detailed overview of the applications.

The Chair indicated that comments would now be received by members of the public.

Ronald King, Resident, raised concerns about the height and density of the proposed development application and the impact it would have on the character of the neighbourhood, the value of existing properties, diminished quality of life for residents, the existing parking and traffic concerns in the area, shadow casting, impeding migratory bird routes, and potential environmental impacts. Mr. King requested that the approval of the proposed development application be withheld until there has been a sufficient opportunity for consultation between Town staff and residents.

Loretta Gilbert, Resident, raised concerns regarding long term damage to existing homes on adjacent properties during the construction phase of the proposed development. Ms. Gilbert raised concerns about the lack of infrastructure to support the high density of the proposed development application, a decrease in property values, and the loss of quality of life for residents including deep shadowing, wind tunnelling, ice sheeting, and noise pollution. Ms. Gilbert requested information regarding the precautions that would be taken to protect home owners from property damage within the construction zone.

Cheryl England, Resident, raised concerns regarding the height and density of the proposed development application. Ms. England stated that the proposed development application doubled the allowed stories for a building and tripled the density per hectare noted in the Whitby Official Plan. She stated that she opposed the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment applications due to the following concerns, density, traffic congestion, a lack of parking, impacts to residents (views and shadowing), and proximity to the flood plain.

Wenda Abel, Resident, raised concerns regarding the density, height, and location of the proposed development application in proximity to the flood plain and migratory bird route. Ms. Abel raised concerns regarding an increase in traffic congestion, an increase in crime, impacts to the health of residents, and disruption to social and community connection. She requested that Council and Town staff consider the comments from residents prior to approving the proposed development application.

Chris Bond, Resident, raised concerns about shadowing, privacy, and aesthetics of the area due to the proposed development application. Mr. Bond requested information regarding the building standards outlined in the Port Whitby Secondary Plan. He further requested that Council delay making a decision on the proposed development application until all residents, including those who purchased a condominium in the Landing Condos development were further consulted.

James Dorey, Resident, raised concerns regarding the process for review of the Official Plan. Mr. Dorey stated that the Protected Major Transit Station Area component would proceed ahead of the Official Plan review and that all applications in Port Whitby should be deferred until the Town completes the Official Plan review. Mr. Dorey raised concerns about the density and height of the proposed development application and emphasized that the development was incompatible with the current scale and density of the surrounding homes. He raised concerns regarding the proximity of the proposed development application to Whitby’s Harbourfront and noted that constructing high-rise buildings along harbour lands have been recognized as causing physical and psychological barriers by the City of Toronto. Mr. Dorey stated that the development’s location was at risk for flooding, would increase traffic, and that the employment opportunities associated with the development were minimal. 

Daniel Coombes, Resident, raised concerns about the density of the proposed development application. Mr. Coombes stated that the significant density increases that would be permitted through the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments should not take place along Whitby’s waterfront. He requested that Council consider other options for densification such as the lands north of Victoria Street. He stated that approval of the proposed development application would increase the density allowance by 6.5 times that which is currently set out in the Official Plan.

James Black, Resident, raised concerns regarding the quality of life for residents as a result of the proposed development. Mr. Black raised additional concerns regarding an increase in traffic and pedestrian safety. He recommended that the proposed development be downsized.

Michelle Yurkiw, Resident, raised concerns regarding existing parking and traffic conditions and how the proposed development application would exasperate congestion in the area.

Kim Zeppieri, Resident, raised concerns regarding an increase in traffic and impacts to pedestrian safety. Ms. Zeppieri requested information regarding plans to ensure the safety of students crossing at Brock Street and the capacity of local schools.

Michael Testaguzza and Staff answered questions regarding:

  • details about the request to increase density and height from what is currently outlined in the Official Plan;
  • mitigation strategies to minimize traffic and parking demands resulting from the proposed development;
  • the location of the proposed development in proximity to the flood plain and waterfront;
  • minimizing ice sheeting, shadows, and protecting views for residents;
  • requiring a Construction Management Plan that addresses dust and noise suppression;
  • completing preconstruction surveys to assess conditions of the area and adjacent properties pre and post construction, and compensating property owners for repairs in case of property damage;
  • protecting migratory birds from striking the proposed buildings;
  • the process for reviewing the Official Plan and the Protected Major Transit Station Area;
  • the process for assessing school expansions and capacities by the Durham District School Board and Durham Catholic District School Board; and,
  • how other municipalities are proceeding with intensification requests.

There were no further submissions from the public.

The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.

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