Whereas Council approved amendments to the Fence By-law on March 7, 2022 to create a defined process for minor height exemptions and delegated authority to the Commissioner of Legal and Enforcement Services/Town Solicitor to approve minor exemption requests; and,
Whereas the Commissioner has authority where the height exemption being sought is no more than a maximum 10% variance from the Fence By-law, the applicant provides the required information with their application, and the applicant pays an application fee as set out in the Town’s Fees and Charges By-law; and;
Whereas the intent of delegating authority to the Commissioner was to remove Fence By-law exemption requests from Council consideration given the difficulties with Council acting as an adjudicating body for licensing and standards matters;
Now Therefore be it Resolved:
That the Fence By-law exemption request be referred to the Town Clerk and Commissioner of Legal and Enforcement Services to review and report back in Q4 2024 to Council on the existing scope of delegated authority, expanding the percentage variance for delegated authority over existing fence heights, associated fees, and process to handle requests beyond the scope of authority delegated to Staff.
It was the consensus of the Committee to hear Item 6.2.2, Delegation by Mark Challenger, Resident, at this time.