Public Meetings Minutes

Council Chambers
Whitby Town Hall
  • Councillor Lee, Chair of Planning and Development
  • K. Narraway, Sr. Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk 
  • K. Douglas, Sr. Legislative Specialist
  • F. Santaguida, Commissioner of Legal and Enforcement Services/Town Solicitor
Also Present:
  • R. Saunders, Commissioner of Planning and Development

K. Narraway, Sr. Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, advised that the Public Meetings are being held in a hybrid meeting format with members of the public attending both in-person and virtually. Mr. Narraway stated that Members of Council would receive a written record of all submissions upon publication of the minutes of the Public Meetings. Mr. Narraway provided an overview of the format of the public meetings. He advised that members of the public who wish to be notified of the next report related to any of the public meetings or who wish to be placed on an Interested Parties List for a matter should email the Town's Planning and Development Department at or call 905.430.4306.

Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application & Zoning By-law Amendment Application, See Path Group Inc. c/o Sakmet Developments Inc., 780 Garden Street, File Number: DEV-23-23 (SW-2023-02, Z-07-23)

Matthew Wianecki, Planner II, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included an overview of the applications.

Rodger Miller, representing See Path Group Inc., provided a PowerPoint presentation which included a detailed overview of the applications.

The Chair indicated that comments would now be received by members of the public.

Michael Twitchin, Resident, raised concerns regarding the impact of the proposed development on traffic in surrounding residential neighbourhoods.

Rodger Miller answered questions regarding the Traffic Impact Brief submitted to the Town for review and strategies to limit the impact of traffic in surrounding residential neighbourhoods.

Greg Rea, Resident, inquired about the number of Public Information Centre attendees.

Rodger Miller answered questions regarding the number of Public Information Centre attendees and households represented at the meeting.

There were no further submissions from the public.

Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, Halls-Lake Ridge Limited Partnership, 1650 Halls Road North, File Number: DEV-24-23 (Z-08-23)

Carl Geiger, Supervisor, Development and Principal Planner, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included an overview of the application.

Scott Waterhouse and Toni Wodzicki, representing Halls-Lake Ridge Limited Partnership, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included a detailed overview of the application.

The Chair indicated that comments would now be received by members of the public.

David Airdrie, Resident, expressed his opposition to the proposed Zoning By-law amendment application. Mr. Airdrie raised concerns regarding increased traffic, noise pollution, and the impact on the quality of life for residents in the neighbouring residential area. He commented on whether the proposed development aligns with the Town's Official Plan and stated goal of employment growth. Mr. Airdrie requested the following modifications to the proposed application be considered:

  • routing truck traffic to Lakeridge Road through an exit on the north side of the property that would be shared with the existing development to the west;
  • limiting the number of truck entrances;
  • developing Bonacord Avenue from Halls Road to Lakeridge Road as the main thoroughfare to service the properties;
  • conducting a comprehensive traffic study to measure the impact of a warehouse as opposed to other prestige industrial uses; and,
  • consideration for alternative prestige industrial uses for the subject land.

Bonita O'Carroll, Resident, raised concerns regarding the increased risk of flooding into surrounding neighbourhoods due to poor drainage and the high water table of the subject land. Ms. O'Carroll requested clarification regarding the proposed grading, permitted use of a septic system, and whether future development may be permitted on surrounding green space. She raised concerns regarding the increased traffic through the surrounding residential neighbourhoods and noise pollution.

Louis Levine, Resident, noted his family history concerning a property adjacent to the subject land. Mr. Lavine requested that relevant studies and documents that have been submitted by the applicant in support of the zoning by-law amendment be made publicly available to all interested parties. He sought clarification regarding the following:

  • construction of a bridge on Bonacord Avenue over the CP Rail line and Highway 412 to mitigate traffic congestion;
  • the Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report;
  • the impact on existing traffic concerns on Halls Road;
  • orientation of the building and the proposed location of loading docks;
  • consideration for the extension of Bonacord Avenue; and,
  • the potential failure of the proposed septic system, which may cause contamination of surrounding groundwater and wetlands.

Kory Moffatt, Resident, raised concerns regarding the impact of the proposed development on the streetscape and existing traffic issues on Lakeridge Road and Halls Road. Ms. Moffatt noted the incidental waste created by warehouse facilities and the impact on wildlife. She requested clarification regarding the future intended use of undeveloped land surrounding the subject property.

Brad Oram, Resident, noted the potential impact of the proposed development on existing traffic concerns and noise pollution in the area.

Greg Jones, Resident, raised concerns regarding the noise and air pollution associated with transport truck traffic, as well as the number of loading docks in the proposed development. Mr. Jones noted the anticipated negative impact on the wellbeing and quality of life for residents. He sought clarification regarding the appropriate land use for a designated Gateway Area, and whether other prestige industrial uses may be more suitable and generate preferred employment opportunities.

John Gobby, Resident, raised concerns regarding the impact of the proposed development on traffic through residential areas and resident safety.

Panayiota Jones, Resident, provided details of the existing community landscape, community fundraising activities, quality of life, and the personal history of residents. Ms. Jones raised concerns regarding the impact on the safety and wellbeing of residents and wildlife. She noted the anticipated noise pollution from idling vehicle traffic where additional traffic signals will be installed.

Chris Hopley, Resident, raised concerns regarding the impact of the proposed development on the value of neighbouring residential properties. Mr. Hopley argued that a warehouse distribution centre will not generate desirable employment opportunities or support the Town's goal of employment growth.

Steve Foston, Resident, sought clarification regarding:

  • existing industrial facilities in Whitby that generate truck traffic;
  • the anticipated number of trucks travelling to and from the proposed development and at what times of the day;
  • the legislated requirements for approving industrial truck traffic in residential neighbourhoods;
  • requirements for approving a zoning by-law amendment application of this nature;
  • the requirement for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) to approve the application;
  • the installation of a septic system near wetlands;
  • whether storage facilities are permitted on lands designated prestige industrial;
  • access routes through the Town to and from the proposed development by truck traffic travelling from the east, considering there is no eastbound on-ramp to Highway 401 on Lakeridge Road;
  • whether the results of the Noise Impact Study conform with the Town's Noise by-law;
  • whether a Traffic Impact Study has been or will be completed;
  • the proposed location of the loading docks;
  • whether an Environmental Impact Study has been or will be completed;
  • consideration for existing traffic concerns at the intersection of Dundas Street and Lakeridge Road; and,
  • a desire to route traffic from the development to Lakeridge Road through an easement on the west side of the property that would be shared with the existing development to the west.

Scott Waterhouse, Staff, and the Chair answered questions regarding:

  • matters that may be addressed during the current zoning amendment application stage and future site plan application stage;
  • the Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report submitted for review by the applicant;
  • the permitted use of a temporary septic facility to service the proposed development until the Region of Durham extends wastewater services to the subject property as part of the Dundas Street Rapid Transit project;
  • requirements for the Ministry of Environment to approve the application;
  • results of the Traffic Impact Study reviewed by Region of Durham and Town Staff, which indicates intersections and roadways will operate under acceptable parameters given the use and size of proposed development;
  • questions and concerns that may be addressed during the site plan application stage; and,
  • records submitted by the applicant that are available for public viewing.

There were no further submissions from the public.

Re: Housekeeping and Technical Amendments to the Whitby Official Plan / Part 2 Secondary Plans, File Number: OPA-2023-W/01

Justin Malfara, Supervisor, Zoning and Regulations and Principal Planner, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included an overview of Housekeeping and Technical Amendments to the Whitby Official Plan, Part 2 Secondary Plans.

There were no submissions from the public.

Re: Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, Frontdoor Developments (Palmerston) Inc., 400 Palmerston Avenue, File Number: DEV-25-23 (OPA-2023-W/03, SW-2023-03, Z-09-23)

Carl Geiger, Supervisor, Development and Principal Planner, provided a PowerPoint presentation which included an overview of the applications.

Steve Edwards and Mark McConville, representing Frontdoor Developments Inc., provided a PowerPoint presentation which included a detailed overview of the applications.

The Chair indicated that comments would now be received by members of the public.

Gordon Bradley, Resident, raised concerns regarding the anticipated impact of the proposed development on the value of residential properties in the surrounding area. Mr. Bradley noted existing issues caused by Palmerston Park patrons using on-street parking on Palmerston Avenue. He sought clarification regarding the amount of sunlight exposure and shade cast by the proposed development on surrounding properties. Mr. Bradley expressed a desire for the subject land to maintain its existing Institutional zone category, and requested the applicant erect privacy fencing on the subject property. Mr. Bradley noted concerns about potential flooding associated with developing the land and mentioned that electrical service to the neighbourhood may not be sufficient to support the development.

Michael Twitchin, Resident, raised concerns regarding the density of the proposed development, residential unit types, and building heights. Mr. Twitchin questioned whether the applications were in keeping with the Town's Official Plan and policies for managing residential infill and intensification within certain areas of the Town, including the subject land. He noted existing traffic concerns in the neighbourhood.

Greg Rea, Resident, noted the potential impact of the proposed development on existing traffic concerns in Whitby. Mr. Rea expressed concerns with the density of the proposed development and disruption to the character of the existing neighbourhood. He requested clarification regarding Council's authority to address the community's concerns with the application and the process of appealing Council's decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Jack Bremer, Resident, raised concerns regarding the density of the proposed development. Mr. Bremer argued that the proposed development will impact the character and safety of the existing neighbourhood.

Lisa Puccia, Resident, requested the applications be amended to include low density housing units. Ms. Puccia sought clarification regarding the cost to purchase units within the proposed development, as well as the proposed parking plan. She raised safety concerns regarding on-street parking and the absence of sidewalks. Ms. Puccia sought clarification regarding whether an independent traffic study has been completed and strategies to address on-street parking concerns on Palmerston Avenue.

James Kita, Resident, suggested reducing the number of units in the proposed development to mitigate the impact on existing infrastructure. Mr. Kita sought clarification regarding the cost to purchase units within the proposed development and expressed a desire for the development to align with the character of the existing neighbourhood.

Geogina Princz, Resident, raised concerns regarding existing traffic concerns in the nieghbourhood and requested an additional Traffic Impact Study be conducted.

Joanne Evans, Resident, noted the impact of the closure of the school formerly located on the subject land. Ms. Evans expressed a desire for the proposed development to enhance and align with the character of the existing neighbourhood. She raised concerns regarding the density, parking plan, and the impact on the value of residential homes in the surrounding neighbourhood.

The Chair answered questions regarding the School Board's control over decisions concerning the disposition of their land and explained that Council does not have authority over these matters.

Mark Greenley, Resident, raised concerns regarding the density of the proposed development and the impact on existing traffic issues in the neighbourhood.

Keith Stevenson, Resident, clarified Council's authority to consider and approve zoning by-law amendment applications.

Gord Burrows, Resident, inquired about the impact of the proposed development on park land, as well as noise pollution during construction.

Michael Twitchin, Resident, requested additional resources be allocated toward enforcing the Town's Noise By-law and adherence to dust mitigation measures during construction.

Steve Edwards, Mark McConville, Staff, and the Chair answered questions regarding:

  • the application presented at the Community Information Centre;
  • proposed swales, catch basins, and a new storm water servicing line to address drainage concerns;
  • a construction management plan to be completed at the detailed design phase to consider dust and noise mitigation;
  • traffic data currently being reviewed by Regional and Town Staff;
  • calculation of density in accordance with the Town's Official Plan;
  • the proposed fencing and landscaping plan; and,
  • the Traffic Impact Study prepared by the applicant and reviewed by Town Staff.

There were no further submissions from the public.

The meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m.