Committee of the Whole Revised Agenda

Council Chambers
Whitby Town Hall

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This meeting will be held in a hybrid in-person and virtual format. In accordance with Section 8.1 of Procedure By-law # 8081-24, Members of Council may choose to attend in-person or participate virtually.


Should you wish to provide comments regarding a matter being considered below, please submit written correspondence and/or a Delegation Request Form.


  • To submit written correspondence, please email your correspondence to the Office of the Town Clerk at by noon on the day of the meeting. Correspondence must include your full name, address, and the item on the agenda that your correspondence is related to.
  • To speak during the Committee meeting either in-person or virtually, please submit a Delegation Request Form online to the Office of the Town Clerk by 8 a.m. on the day of the meeting. Should you be unable to access a computer, please call 905.430.4315 to speak with a Staff Member in the Office of the Town Clerk.


A Revised Agenda may be published on a later date. Late items added or a change to an item will appear with an asterisk beside them.

Re: PDP 25-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report        
Review of the Municipal Heritage Register

Refer to Item 5.4.2, PDP 25-24

Re: PDP 25-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report
Review of the Municipal Heritage Register

Refer to Item 5.4.2, PDP 25-24

Re: PDP 25-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report
Review of the Municipal Heritage Register

Refer to Item 5.4.2, PDP 25-24

Re: PDP 28-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report         
Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, Tribute (Charles Street) Limited, 1636 Charles Street, File Numbers: DEV-07-24 (OPA-2024-W/02, SW-2024-01, and Z-03-24)

Refer to Item 5.4.4, PDP 28-24

Re: PDP 28-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report         
Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, Tribute (Charles Street) Limited, 1636 Charles Street, File Numbers: DEV-07-24 (OPA-2024-W/02, SW-2024-01, and Z-03-24)

Refer to Item 5.4.4, PDP 28-24

Re: PDP 28-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report         
Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, Tribute (Charles Street) Limited, 1636 Charles Street, File Numbers: DEV-07-24 (OPA-2024-W/02, SW-2024-01, and Z-03-24)

Refer to Item 5.4.4, PDP 28-24

Re: PDP 28-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report
Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, Tribute (Charles Street) Limited, 1636 Charles Street, File Numbers: DEV-07-24 (OPA-2024-W/02, SW-2024-01, and Z-03-24

Refer to Item 5.4.4, PDP 28-24

Re: PDP 28-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report
Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, Tribute (Charles Street) Limited, 1636 Charles Street, File Numbers: DEV-07-24 (OPA-2024-W/02, SW-2024-01, and Z-03-24)

Refer to Item 5.4.4, PDP 28-24

Re: PDP 28-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report         
Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, Tribute (Charles Street) Limited, 1636 Charles Street, File Numbers: DEV-07-24 (OPA-2024-W/02, SW-2024-01, and Z-03-24)

Refer to Item 5.4.4, PDP 28-24

Re: PDP 29-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report        
Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment, Nordeagle Developments Ltd., File Number: DEV-10-24 (Z-06-24)

Refer to Item 5.4.5, PDP 29-24

Re: PDP 31-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report        
Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, Brooklin (AD) Limited Partnership, 7362 and 7432 Ashburn Road, File Numbers: DEV-31-21 (SW-2021-12, Z-21-21)

Refer to Item 5.4.7, PDP 31-24

Re: PDP 33-24, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report        
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, The DK Royal Stars Group Inc., Des Newman Boulevard and Woodrow Court, File Numbers: DEV-09-24 (OPA-2024-W/03, Z-05-24)

Refer to Item 5.4.8, PDP 33-24

Re: St Thomas Street at Winchester Road Signalization Consideration

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Council provide direction regarding traffic signalization of St Thomas Street at Winchester Road, and as appropriate, direct staff to include $250,000 in the property tax-funded 2025 capital budget, as a pre-approved budget item, considering the Region’s requirements for unwarranted traffic control signals;
    2. That the operating and maintenance costs related to the signal, in the annual amount of $8,000, be included in the property tax-funded operating budget, beginning in 2026, as appropriate; and,
    3. That Report PDE 04-24 be provided to the Regional Municipality of Durham.

Re: Review of the Municipal Heritage Register

  • Recommendation:
    1. That:
      1. Council authorize staff to undertake Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports and issue Notices of Intention to Designate under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, for properties that LHC Heritage Planning & Archaeology Inc. has recommended as priority candidate properties for designation, where the owner is amenable to designation; and,
      2. After the 30-day Objection period has passed per Section 29 (6) of the Ontario Heritage Act, Council consider passing a by-law designating the properties referred to in Recommendation 1(a), under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act;
    2. That:
      1. Council authorize staff to undertake a Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report, for properties that LHC Heritage Planning & Archaeology Inc. has recommended as priority candidate properties for designation, where staff remain in discussions with the owner, or the owner has not yet responded, and the property meets three or more criteria for designation Ontario Regulation 9/06; 
      2. pending the outcome of the Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports and further discussions with the owners for properties referred to in Recommendation 2(a), staff report back to Council for a decision to authorize staff to issue Notices of Intention to Designate under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act;
    3. That, subject to Council approving Recommendation #2 in Staff Report PDP 25-24, capital project # 81237201 - Designations for Municipal Heritage Register be increased by $45,000 (from $60,000 to $105,000), funded from the Long-Term Finance Reserve, to undertake Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports for the respective properties; and,
    4. That Council authorize the immediate removal of all remaining properties from the Municipal Heritage Register prior to December 31, 2024, save and except those that are the subject of on-going development applications, so that they are not subject to a five-year moratorium under Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act (2022), and so that they can be further researched and brought forward for Council’s consideration for designation at a later date, where appropriate.

Re: 300 High Street – Notice of Intention to Designate Property Under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Council authorize staff to issue a Notice of Intention to Designate for the property identified as the Ontario County House of Refuge, located at 300 High Street in Whitby, to be published per section 29 (1.1) of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. O.18, as amended;
    2. That, after the 30-day Objection period has passed per Section 29 (6) of the Ontario Heritage Act, Council consider passing a by-law designating the property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act;
    3. That, after the passing of the by-law, if no appeals to the Tribunal are received during the 30-day appeal period per Section 29 (12) of the Ontario Heritage Act, and the designation by-law comes into full force and effect under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, that a commemorative plaque be installed in a form and location to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning and Development or designate;
    4. That Council mutually agree to the owner’s request for an extension of the 90-day deadline under Section 29(8) of the Ontario Heritage Act and Section 2(1) 1. of Ontario Regulation 385/21, for passing the Part IV Heritage Designation By-law for the portion of the property containing the Ontario County House of Refuge, located at 300 High Street in Whitby; and,
    5. That the extension outlined in Recommendation 4 be in effect until May 31, 2025.

Re: Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, Tribute (Charles Street) Limited, 1636 Charles Street, File Numbers: DEV-07-24 (OPA-2024-W/02, SW-2024-01, and Z-03-24)

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Council approve Official Plan Amendment Number 137 to the Whitby Official Plan (OPA-2024-W/02), as shown on Attachment #15, and that a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment Number 137 be brought forward for consideration by Council;
    2. That the Clerk forward a copy of Report PDP 28-24, two (2) copies of the adopted Amendment, and a copy of the by-law to adopt Amendment Number 137 to the Whitby Official Plan, to the Region of Durham’s Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development;
    3. That Council approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision (File Number: SW-2024- 01), subject to the comments included in Report PDP 28-24 and the conditions of draft plan approval included in Attachment #19;
    4. That Staff be authorized to prepare a Subdivision Agreement;
    5. That the Clerk forward a Notice to those parties and agencies who requested to be notified of Council’s decision, including the Region of Durham’s Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development;
    6. That Council approve the amendment to Zoning By-law # 2585, (File Number: Z-03-24), as outlined in Report PDP 28-24; and,
    7. That a by-law to amend Zoning By-law # 2585 be brought forward for consideration by Council once site plan approval has been issued.

Re: Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment, Nordeagle Developments Ltd., File Number: DEV-10-24 (Z-06-24)

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law # 2585 (Z-06-24) as outlined in Report PDP 29-24; and,
    2. That a Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment be brought forward for consideration by Council.

Re: Draft Plan of Condominium Application, Brookfield Residential (Ontario) Station No.3 Limited, 201 Brock Street South, File Number: DEV-12-24 (CW-2024-03)

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Council approve the Draft Plan of Condominium (File Number: CW-2024-03) subject to the comments included in Report PDP 30-24 and the Conditions of Approval, included in Attachment # 4;
    2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Condominium Agreement and any other necessary documents; and,
    3. That the Clerk advise the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development at the Region of Durham, of Council’s decision.

Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, Brooklin (AD) Limited Partnership, 7362 and 7432 Ashburn Road, File Numbers: DEV-31-21 (SW-2021-12, Z-21-21) 

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Council approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision (File Number: SW-2021-12), subject to the comments included in Report PDP 31-24 and the Conditions of Draft Plan Approval included in Attachment # 9;
    2. That Staff be authorized to prepare a Subdivision Agreement;
    3. That Council approve the amendment to Zoning By-law # 1784, (File Number: Z-21-21), and that a Zoning By-law Amendment be brought forward for consideration by Council;
    4. That Williams and Stewart Associates Ltd. be appointed as the Control Architect for the Draft Plan of Subdivision; and,
    5. That the Clerk forward a Notice to those parties and agencies who requested to be notified of Council’s decision, including the Region of Durham’s Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development.

Re: Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, The DK Royal Stars Group Inc., Des Newman Boulevard and Woodrow Court, File Numbers: DEV-09-24 (OPA-2024-W/03, Z-05-24)

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Council approve Amendment Number 136 to the Whitby Official Plan (File Number: OPA-2024-W/03), as shown on Attachment # 8, and that a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment Number 136 be brought forward for consideration by Council;
    2. That the Clerk forward a copy of Report PDP 33-24, two (2) copies of the adopted Amendment, and a copy of the by-law to adopt Amendment Number 136 to the Whitby Official Plan, to the Region of Durham’s Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development;
    3. That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law # 1784, (File Number: Z-05-24), as outlined in Report PDP 33-24; and,
    4. That the Clerk forward a Notice to those parties and agencies who requested to be notified of Council’s decision, including the Region of Durham’s Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development.

Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, The Baird Team Royal Lepage Baird Real Estate, 55 Garrard Road and Block 33 on Plan 40M-1315, File Number: DEV-08-24 (Z-04-24)

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law # 1784 (Z-04-24) as outlined in Report PDP 34-24; and,
    2. That a by-law to amend Zoning By-law # 1784 be brought forward for consideration by Council.

Re: Update to the Ice Allocation Policy

  • Recommendation:

    That Council approve the proposed amendments to the Ice Allocation Policy, Policy Number MS 010, Attachment 2 of Report CMS 08-24.

Re: Policy Framework Review

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the revised Standards for Town Policies and Procedures Policy appended as Attachment 1 to this report be approved;
    2. That the Chief Administrative Officer be granted the delegated authority to approve Accessibility, Corporate Administration, Facility Management and Operational Services, Human Resources, and Technology policies as detailed in the Standards for Town Policies and Procedures Policy; and,
    3. That the policies listed for repeal in Section 4.2 of this report be repealed.

Re: Deputy Mayor Appointment and Responsibilities Policy

  • Recommendation:

    That Council adopt the Deputy Mayor Appointment and Responsibilities Policy appended to Report CLK 06-24 as Attachment 1.

Moved by Councillor Mulcahy

  • Recommendation:

    Whereas Ontario has more private non-native (“exotic”) wild animal keepers, roadside zoos, mobile zoos, wildlife exhibits and other captive wildlife operations than any other province; and,

    Whereas the Province of Ontario has of yet not developed regulations to prohibit or restrict animal possession, breeding, or use of non-native (“exotic”) wild animals in captivity; and,

    Whereas non-native (“exotic”) wild animals can pose very serious human health and safety risks, and attacks causing human injury and death have occurred in the province; and,

    Whereas the keeping of non-native (“exotic”) wild animals can cause poor animal welfare and suffering, and poses risks to local environments and wildlife; and,

    Whereas owners of non-native (“exotic”) wild animals can move from one community to another even after their operations have been shut down due to animal welfare or public health and safety concerns; and,

    Whereas municipalities have struggled, often for months or years, to deal with nonnative (“exotic”) wild animal issues and have experienced substantive regulatory, administrative, enforcement and financial challenges; and,

    Whereas the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) and the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers' Association (MLEOA) have indicated their support for World Animal Protection’s campaign for provincial regulations of non-native (“exotic”) wild animals and roadside zoos in letters to the Ontario Solicitor General and Ontario Minister for Natural Resources and Forestry.

    Now Therefore, be it Resolved:

    1. That the Town of Whitby hereby petitions the provincial government to implement provincial regulations to restrict the possession, breeding, and use of non-native (“exotic”) wild animals and license zoos in order to guarantee the fair and consistent application of policy throughout Ontario for the safety of Ontario’s citizens and the non-native (“exotic”) wild animal population; and,
    2. That this resolution will be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, Ontario Solicitor General, Ontario Minister for Natural Resources and Forestry, Region of Durham MPPs, all Durham Region municipalities, AMO, AMCTO, and MLEOA.
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