Committee of the Whole Revised Agenda

Council Chambers
Whitby Town Hall

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This meeting will be held in a hybrid in-person and virtual format. In accordance with Section 8.1 of Procedure By-law # 8081-24, Members of Council may choose to attend in-person or participate virtually.


Should you wish to provide comments regarding a matter being considered below, please submit written correspondence and/or a Delegation Request Form.


  • To submit written correspondence, please email your correspondence to the Office of the Town Clerk at by noon on the day of the meeting. Correspondence must include your full name, address, and the item on the agenda that your correspondence is related to.
  • To speak during the Committee meeting either in-person or virtually, please submit a Delegation Request Form online to the Office of the Town Clerk 8 a.m. on the day of the meeting. Should you be unable to access a computer, please call 905.430.4315 to speak with a Staff Member in the Office of the Town Clerk.


A Revised Agenda may be published on a later date. Late items added or a change to an item will appear with an asterisk beside them.

Re: PDP 13-25, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report
Zoning By-law Amendment Application, Vandenboom Properties Inc., 301, 315, 317 Colborne Street East, 304, 320 Dunlop Street East, and 205, 207 Athol Street, File Number: DEV-38-24 (Z-19-24)

Refer to Item 5.4.1, PDP 13-25

Re: PDP 14-25, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report
Temporary Use By-law Extension Application, Gordon Scadding Seniors Developments Ltd., 402 Gordon Street, File Number: DEV-36-24 (Z-18-24)

Refer to Item 5.4.2, PDP 14-25

Re: Temporary Use By-law Extension Application, Gordon Scadding Seniors Developments Ltd., 402 Gordon Street, File Number: DEV-36-24 (Z-18-24)

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Council approve a Zoning By-law Amendment to Extend a Temporary Use (Z-18-24) for a period of three (3) years, as set out in Planning Report PDP 14-25; and,
    2. That the amending By-law be brought forward for Council’s consideration.

Re: Annual Investment Policy Statement Review and Transition to Outsourced Chief Investment Officer Offering

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Council approve updates to F 100 the “Investment Policy Statement” (“IPS”) included as Attachment 1 of Staff Report FS 07-25; and.
    2. That the Treasurer be directed to sign a copy of the IPS to indicate Council’s approval and to forward a copy of this IPS to the ONE Joint Investment Board (“ONE JIB”).

Moved by Councillor Leahy

  • Recommendation:

    Whereas, in recent years, Nazi iconography has surfaced with alarming frequency in the public sphere, used by an increasing number of groups and individuals to promote hate and instill fear within Canadian society;

    And Whereas, since the atrocities of WWII, the Nazi swastika has become universally synonymous with systematic violence, terror and hate. Its growing presence in our country is a threat to every single Canadian citizen, undermining the core values of equality,  diversity, and inclusion that define our nation;

    And Whereas at its meeting of February 3, 2025 Whitby Council endorsed a petition from B’nai Brith calling for the banning of the Nazi Swastika in Canada;

    And Whereas, the debate at that meeting identified a tangible action that Whitby council could make;

    Now Therefore be it Resolved:

    1. That Whitby Council direct the CAO to bring forward a by-law that would have the effect of banning the display of Nazi symbols and iconography, including the Nazi swastika known as the Hakenkreuze on any Town property including the property of any agencies, boards, or commissions existing now and in the future, with an exemption for educational and research purposes; and,
    2. That the penalty for violation of the by-law be the maximum possible allowed under provincial statute.

Moved by Councillor Lundquist

  • Recommendation:

    That Staff be directed to establish a policy framework to reinforce the provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada and the Ontario Human Rights Code to clarify that as the owner of Town property and facilities, that all forms of hate propaganda, including the display of hate symbols that promote or incite hatred or violence, are banned in Town facilities and on Town property.

Moved by Mayor Roy

  • Recommendation:

    Whereas the Town of Whitby and Region of Durham are facing a rapidly aging population, with complex health and wellness needs; 

    And Whereas caregivers, faced with the inordinate challenge of securing, coordinating and overseeing the care of their loved ones from a multitude of providers, are experiencing burnout and increasing sense of hopelessness; 

    And Whereas the vast majority of Ontarians want to age in place in their own home and community, but are challenged finding the supports to do so; 

    And Whereas while Town of Whitby and Region of Durham residents wish to age in place, a lack of resources is pressing residents to institutional care, such as hospitals and long-term care.  In the next 10 years, the demand for long-term care in the Region is projected to increase by 38%. In the Region, the median number of days people waiting to move into a long-term care home was 260 days – 30% higher than the provincial median; 

    And Whereas Community Care Durham has been a long-standing and trusted non-profit health and social services provider in Whitby, offering a vast array of services such as Assisted Living, Transportation, Day Programs, Meal and Food Security, Mental Wellness supports, and other services;

    And Whereas Community Care Durham is seeking Provincial and Regional support to implement a new program – OneConnect – that is modeled after the U.S.A.’s Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). This program coordinates comprehensive health and wellness services around vulnerable clients (e.g., those awaiting placement in long-term care) living in the community in order to help them and their caregivers live optimally at home, in the community;

    And Whereas other Ontario municipalities are looking to support the adoption of PACE-like models, including municipalities in the Region (Ajax, Scugog, Pickering);

    And Whereas implementation of Community Care Durham’s OneConnect program in Whitby would benefit residents, while alleviating demands on local hospitals and related healthcare institutions;

    And Whereas Goal 9 of the Age-Friendly Whitby Action Plan adopted in 2017 is to ensure that Seniors have access to supports in order to help them maintain their homes and age in place; 

    And Whereas Community Care Durham is publicly funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care through Ontario Health – East Region, and requires new funding to implement OneConnect.

    Now therefore, be it resolved:

    1. That Whitby Council supports Community Care Durham’s vision for implementing OneConnect in Whitby and the Region of Durham;
    2. That Whitby Council encourages the Government of Ontario to provide the necessary funding to Community Care Durham to implement, evaluate and scale OneConnect to meet the growing needs of the Region of Durham;
    3. That Town of Whitby Staff continue to assist the Region of Durham and Community Care Durham in future site-planning for expanded Day Program services, and identification of Whitby neighbourhoods where there are a high proportion of at risk adults that could benefit from this comprehensive model; and,
    4. That a copy of this motion be sent to the Honourable Sylvia Jones, Minister of Health, Lorne Coe, MPP for Whitby, the Honourable Natalia Kusendova-Bashta, Minister of Long-Term Care, John Henry, Regional Chair and CEO of the Regional Municipality of Durham, the Durham Regional Health and Social Services Committee, the Durham Regional Local Housing Corporation, all Durham Region lower tier municipalities, Cynthia Davis, President and CEO of Lakeridge Health, Lisa Kitchen, Director of the Durham Ontario Health Team, and Matt Anderson, President & CEO of Ontario Health.