Regular Council Meeting Revised AgendaMonday, June 19, 2023 at 7:00 P.m. - 8:00 P.m.Council ChambersWhitby Town HallThis meeting will be available for viewing through the Town’s live stream feed while the meeting is in progress. Please visit for more information about the live stream and archived videos. This meeting will be held in a hybrid in-person and virtual format. In accordance with Section 7 of Procedure By-law # 7462-18, Members of Council may choose to attend in-person or participate virtually. Should you wish to provide comments regarding a matter being considered below, please submit written correspondence and/or a Delegation Request Form. To submit written correspondence, please email your correspondence to the Office of the Town Clerk at by noon on the day of the meeting. Correspondence must include your full name, address, and the item on the agenda that your correspondence is related to. To speak during the Council meeting either in-person or virtually, please submit a Delegation Request Form online to the Office of the Town Clerk by noon on the Wednesday prior to the date of the meeting. Should you be unable to access a computer, please call 905.430.4315 to speak with a Staff Member in the Office of the Town Clerk. A Revised Agenda may be published on a later date. Late items added or a change to an item will appear with an asterisk beside them.1.Call To Order: The Mayor 2.Call of the Roll: The Clerk 3.Declarations of Conflict of Interest 4.Adoption of Minutes 1.Regular Council - May 29, 2023.pdf2.Special Council - May 29, 2023.pdf3.Special Council - June 12, 2023.pdfRegular Council - May 15, 2023Special Council - May 29, 2023Special Council - June 12, 2023 (Confidential Minutes Under Separate Cover)Recommendation:That the Regular Council Minutes of May 15, 2023, and the Special Council Minutes of May 29, 2023 and June 12, 2023 be approved.5.Presentations 5.1Whitby Wildcats U10 AAA Hockey Team Recognition: Provincial Championship Winners5.2Durham Rebels 14G Blockade Volleyball Team Recognition: Volleyball Canada Youth Nationals Gold Medalists5.3Competition Air Rifle Team, 2 WHITBY VandenBos Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron (RCACS) Recognition: Marksmanship Accolades - Provincial Civilian Standing Competition and National Marksmanship Championship5.4Cynthia Davis, President and CEO, Lakeridge Health (In-Person Attendance) Re: Lakeridge Health Community Update 5.5Inspector Mitch Martin, Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) (In-Person Attendance) Re: Central West Division – Strategic Operational Plan6.Delegations 6.1Don Mitchell, Resident (In-Person Attendance) Re: PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department ReportHighway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkRefer to Item 8.5, PDE 11-236.2Ronald Stevens, Resident (In-Person Attendance) Re: PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department ReportHighway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkRefer to Item 8.5, PDE 11-236.3Kyle Douglas, Resident (In-Person Attendance) Re: PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department ReportHighway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkRefer to Item 8.5, PDE 11-236.4Tom Newman, Resident (In-Person Attendance) Re: PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department ReportHighway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkRefer to Item 8.5, PDE 11-236.5Andrea Ferguson Jones, Resident (Virtual Attendance) Re: PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department ReportHighway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkRefer to Item 8.5, PDE 11-236.6Nellika Richardson, Resident (In-Person Attendance) Re: PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department ReportHighway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkRefer to Item 8.5, PDE 11-236.7Derrick Gleed, Resident (In-Person Attendance) Re: PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department ReportHighway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkRefer to Item 8.5, PDE 11-23 6.8Neil McPherson, Resident (In-Person Attendance) Re: PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department ReportHighway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkRefer to Item 8.5, PDE 11-23 6.9Stephen Jones, Resident (Virtual Attendance) Re: PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department ReportHighway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkRefer to Item 8.5, PDE 11-236.10Matthew Cory representing Brooklin North Landowners Group (In-Person Attendance) Re: PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department ReportHighway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkRefer to Item 8.5, PDE 11-23 6.11Len Butticci, Resident (In-Person Attendance) Re: PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department ReportHighway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkRefer to Item 8.5, PDE 11-236.12Mike Pettigrew representing Brooklin South Landowners Group (Virtual Attendance) Re: CMS 06-23, Community Services Department Report Bill 23 Parkland Dedication FrameworkRefer to Item 9.3, CMS 06-236.13Matthew Cory representing Brooklin North Landowners Group (In-Person Attendance) Re: CMS 06-23, Community Services Department Report Bill 23 Parkland Dedication FrameworkRefer to Item 9.3, CMS 06-236.14Bill Rourke, Whitby Minor Baseball Association (In-Person Attendance) Re: CMS 06-23, Community Services Department ReportBill 23 Parkland Dedication FrameworkRefer to Item 9.3, CMS 06-23Note: In accordance with Section 2.8.2 of the Procedure By-law, a Two Thirds Majority for a motion to hear this delegation is required as the delegation did not address Committee at the Committee of the Whole meeting.6.15Abhi Singh and Prannay Singla, Whitby Cricket Association (In-Person Attendance) Re: CMS 06-23, Community Services Department ReportBill 23 Parkland Dedication FrameworkRefer to Item 9.3, CMS 06-23Note: In accordance with Section 2.8.2 of the Procedure By-law, a Two Thirds Majority for a motion to hear this delegation is required as the delegation did not address Committee at the Committee of the Whole meeting.6.16Vera Felgemacher, Resident (In-Person Attendance) Re: FES 04-23, Fire and Emergency Services Department Report Report and Recommendations of Changes to the By-law to Regulate the Sales and Discharge of FireworksRefer to Item 9.10, FES 04-23Note: In accordance with Section 2.8.2 of the Procedure By-law, a Two Thirds Majority for a motion to hear this delegation is required as the delegation did not address Committee at the Committee of the Whole meeting.7.Correspondence 8.Committee of the Whole Report - Planning and Development Planning and Development - June 5 and June 12, 20238.1PDP 28-23, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 28-23 Staff Report .pdfRe: Housekeeping and Technical Amendments to the Whitby Official Plan / Part 2 Secondary PlansRecommendation:That Council authorize Planning and Development Staff to initiate an Amendment to the Town of Whitby Official Plan regarding minor housekeeping and technical amendments to policies and Schedules of Part 1 – parent Official Plan and Part 2 – Secondary Plans and Schedules.8.2PDP 29-23, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 29-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent's Proposed Common Element Condominium Plan.pdf5.Att 4 - Conditions of Draft Plan of Condominium Approval.pdf6.Att 5 - Agency and Stakeholder Detailed Comments.pdfRe: Draft Plan of Condominium Application, Brooklin Meadow Limited, Baldwin Street North and Carnwith Drive East, File Number: DEV-06-23 (CW-2023-03)Recommendation: That Council approve a Draft Plan of Condominium (File No. CW-2023-03) subject to the comments included in Report PDP 29-23 and the Conditions of Approval, included in Attachment #4; That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Condominium Agreement and any other necessary documents; and, That the Clerk advise the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development at the Region of Durham, of Council’s decision. 8.3PDP 30-23, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 30-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 30-23.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 30-23.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent's Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf5.Att 4 - Excerpt from the Brooklin Community Secondary Plan Schedule 'K'.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 1784.pdf7.Att 6 - Composite Transportation Component Plan.pdf8.Att 7 - Public Meeting Minutes.pdf9.Att 8 - Agency and Stakeholder Detailed Comments.pdf10.Att 9 - Conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval.pdfRe: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application and Zoning By-law Amendment Application, 5095, 5125, and 5245 Anderson Street, Conland Development Corporation, File Number: DEV-13-21 (SW-2021-03, Z-08-21)Recommendation: That Council approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision (File No. SW-2021-03) and approve an amendment to Zoning By-law # 1784 (Z-08-21), subject to the comments included in Planning Report PDP-30-23 and the Conditions of Draft Approval included in Attachment #9; That Staff be authorized to prepare a Subdivision Agreement; That a Zoning By-law Amendment be brought forward for consideration by Council; That the Region of Durham Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development be advised of Council’s decision; That Williams and Stewart Associates Ltd. be appointed as the Control Architect for the Draft Plan of Subdivision; and, That the Clerk forward a Notice to those parties and agencies that requested to be notified of Council’s decision. 8.4PDE 10-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department Report 1.PDE 10-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Proposed No Stopping Restriction on Kirkland Place.pdf3.Att 2 - Draft By-law to Update Traffic By-law 1862-85 .pdfRe: Update Traffic By-law # 1862-85, No Stopping on Kirkland PlaceRecommendation: That Council approve the proposed amendment to Traffic By-law # 1862-85, to incorporate the changes to Schedule “A” of the By-law, as identified in Attachment 2; That a by-law to amend By-law # 1862-85 be brought forward for the consideration of Council; and, That Council direct the Clerk to provide a copy of Report PDE 10-23 to Durham Student Transportation Services (DSTS) and the Durham District School Board (DDSB). 8.5PDE 11-23, Planning and Development (Engineering Services) Department Report 1.PDE 11-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Possible Highway 412 Connection to Lake Ridge Road.pdf3.Att 2 - Whitby Official Plan - Schedule D - June 2021 Office Consolidation.pdf4.Att 3 - Region of Durham Official Plan - Schedule C - Consolidation May 26, 2020.pdf5.Att 4 - Highway 712 and Columbus Road Scope Provided by BTE.pdf6.Memorandum - Alternate Route Budget.pdfRe: Highway 7/12 Alternative Route EA – Addition of Columbus Road (Country Lane to Lake Ridge Road) EA to Scope of WorkSee also Memorandum from F. Wong, Commissioner of Financial Services/Treasurer, dated June 16, 2023 regarding Alternate Route BudgetRecommendation: That Staff terminate the Highway 7/12 Alternate Route Environmental Assessment; and, That any consulting obligations be terminated in accordance with the contractual provisions; and, That the relevant stakeholders and interested parties to the Highway 7/12 Alternate Route Environmental Assessment be notified. 8.6PDP 31-23, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 31-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch(2).pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map(2).pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent's Proposed Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf5.Att 4 - Proponent's Proposed Concept Plan.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Secondary Plan Schedule K.pdf7.Att 6 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 1784.pdf8.Att 7 - Public Meeting Minutes(1).pdf9.Att 8 - Agency and Stakeholder Detailed Comments(1).pdfRe: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, Winash Developments Limited, 5380 Baldwin Street South, File Number: DEV-09-23 (Z-04-23)Recommendation: That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law # 1784 (File No. Z-04-23) as outlined in Planning Report PDP 31-23; and, That a by-law to amend Zoning By-law # 1784 be brought forward for consideration by Council. 8.7PDP 32-23, Planning and Development (Planning Services) Department Report 1.PDP 32-23 Staff Report .pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch(1).pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map(1).pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent's Proposed Concept Plan.pdf5.Att 4 - Excerpt from the Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule 'A'.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Zoning By-Law 2585.pdf7.Att 6 - Public Meeting Minutes.pdf8.Att 7 - Agency and Stakeholder Detailed Comments.pdfRe: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, 2844542 Ontario Inc., 918 Brock Street South, File Number: DEV-07-23 (Z-03-23)Recommendation: That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law # 2585 (File Number: Z-03-23) as outlined in Planning Report PDP 32-23; and, That a by-law to amend Zoning By-law # 2585 be brought forward for consideration by Council. 9.Committee of the Whole Report - General Government General Government - June 5 and June 12, 20239.1LS 05-23, Legal and Enforcement Services Department Report 1.LS 05-23 Staff Report.pdfRe: Review of Residential Construction Dust Permit ProgramRecommendation: That Report LS 05-23 be received for information; That Enforcement Services not implement a permit system to regulate dust from private residential construction projects; That Enforcement Services continues to actively promote dust control through an annual communication strategy; and, That New and Unfinished Business – General Government Item No. GG-0013 be removed. 9.2LS 06-23, Legal and Enforcement Services Department Report 1.LS 06-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 Proposed Property Standards By-law Amendments.pdfRe: Follow-up Report for Proposed Amendments to Property Standards By-law # 6874-14, Hedge HeightsRecommendation: That Report LS 06-23 be received for information; and, That Staff bring forward a by-law to amend Property Standards By-law # 6874-14, as amended, substantially in accordance with the draft bylaw in Attachment 1 to this Report LS 06-23. 9.3CMS 06-23, Community Services Department Report 1.CMS 06-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Summary of Park Types and Associated Amenities.pdf3.Att 2 - Summary of Sports Needs Assessment.pdf4.Memorandum - Update – CMS 06-23 Bill 23 – Parks Planning Framework.pdf5.Memo Att 1 - Brooklin Secondary Plan.pdf6.Memo Att 2 - West Whitby Local Park Chelseahill Rendering.pdf7.Memo Att 3 - Norista Park.pdf8.Memo Att 4 - Pinecone Park.pdfRe: Bill 23 Parkland Dedication FrameworkSee also Memorandum from J. Romano, Commissioner of Community Services, dated June 16, 2023 regarding Update – CMS 06-23 Bill 23 – Parks Planning FrameworkNote: This item was referred at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on June 5, 2023 to the Council Meeting on June 19, 2023. Council direction required.Recommendation: That Council receive report CMS 06-23 as information; That the Town incorporate the proposed changes to the Parkland Dedication Framework as set out in Report CMS 06-23 through the update to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan; That staff be directed to engage a planning consultant to identify appropriate land that would support the development of Sports Field Parks; and, That staff be directed to report to Council with options for the acquisition of land to support the development of sports fields as identified by the 2015 Sports Facility Strategy and updated by the 2023 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 9.4CMS 07-23, Community Services (Operational Services) Department Report 1.CMS 07-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Town of Whitby Forestry Zones.pdfRe: Urban Forestry Update - Spring 2023Recommendation:That Report CMS 07-23 be received as information.9.5FS 13-23, Financial Services Department Report 1.FS 13-23 Staff Report.pdfRe: Annual Insured Claims ReportRecommendation:That Report FS 13-23 regarding Annual Insured Claims be received as information.9.6FS 17-23, Financial Services Department Report 1.FS 17-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Building Permit Fees Annual Financial Report, December 31, 2022.pdfRe: Building Permit Fees Annual Financial Report 2022Recommendation:That Report FS 17-23 on Building Permit Fees Annual Financial Report 2022 be received as information.9.7FS 18-23, Financial Services Department Report 1.FS 18-23 Staff Report .pdf2.Att 1 - 2022 Year End Operating Variances by Department.pdf3.Att 2 - Reserve and Reserve Fund Year-End Balances 2020-2022.pdfRe: 2022 Year End Operating Budget Variances and Reserve FundsRecommendation: That report FS 18-23 regarding 2022 Year End Operating Variances and Reserve Funds be received. 9.8FS 19-23, Financial Services Department Report 1.FS 19-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Statement of Development Charge Reserve Funds - December 31, 2022.pdf3.Att 2 - Expenditures Financed from Development Charge Reserve Funds and Other Sources - December 31, 2022.pdf4.Att 3 Statement of the Park Reserve Fund - December 31, 2022.pdfRe: Annual Statement of Development Charge and Parkland Dedication Cash-in-Lieu Reserve Funds as of December 31, 2022Recommendation:That Report FS 19-23, the Annual Statement of Development Charge and Parkland Dedication Cash-in-Lieu Reserve Funds as of December 31, 2022 be received.9.9FES 03-23, Fire and Emergency Services Department Report 1.FES 03-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Whitby Firefighters - Fallen Firefighters Memorial.pdfRe: Whitby Firefighters – Fallen Firefighters MemorialRecommendation: That Council actively partners with the Whitby Professional Fire Fighters Association IAFF Local 2036 (“Local 2036”) on the design and construction of a memorial to fallen fire fighters to be located at Whitby Civic Park adjacent to Town Hall; That the Town of Whitby match Local 2036’s contribution to a maximum of $35,000, funded from Whitby Fire and Emergency Services Operating Budget account 12105-54030, for the design and construction of the memorial; That a new capital project in the amount of $250,000 be established for the Whitby Memorial to Fallen Fire Fighters, funded from Local 2036 ($35,000), the Town of Whitby ($35,000), and external fundraising ($180,000); That the Town of Whitby actively partners with Local 2036 to source additional public and/or private sources of funding and/or sponsorship opportunities towards the memorial; That construction for the memorial only proceeds once the $180,000 fund raising goal has been achieved; and, That Staff follow the process outlined in report FES 03-23 for the issuance of Official Donation Receipts for income tax purposes related to the external fundraising efforts for this Town of Whitby project. 9.10FES 04-23, Fire and Emergency Services Department Report 1.FES 04-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Whitby Fireworks Survey.pdfRe: Report and Recommendations of Changes to the By-law to Regulate the Sales and Discharge of FireworksRecommendation:That report FES 04-23 be received for information.9.11CAO 15-23, Organization Effectiveness and Community Services Department Report 1.CAO 15-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Appendix A - Status Update on the IDEA Project, Journey to Inclusivity Recommendations.pdfRe: The IDEA Project, Journey to Inclusivity Status UpdateRecommendation: That Council receive Report CAO 15-23, The IDEA Project, Journey to Inclusivity Status Update for information. 9.12CAO 16-23, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer Report 1.CAO 16-23 Staff Report .pdfRe: Town of Whitby Official Tree CampaignRecommendation: That Report CAO 16-23 be received for information; and, That Council endorse the Town of Whitby Official Tree Campaign and adopt the tree species to be selected by the community as an official symbol of the Town. 9.13CAO 17-23, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer Report 1.CAO 17-23 Staff Report.pdfRe: Family Physician Recruitment UpdateRecommendation: That Report CAO 17-23 be received for information; and, That Council approve an initial expense of $20,000 to support the Regional 2023 Family Physician Recruitment Program, funded from Strategic Initiatives operating budget account 799SIN-PS-3990. 9.14CAO 19-23, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer Report 1.CAO 19-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 – Draft Proposed Action Plan for CMHC HAF Application.pdfRe: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation – Housing Accelerator FundRecommendation: That Council approve in principle the Draft Proposed Action Plan outlined in Attachment # 1 to Report CAO 19-23 for the purpose of submitting an application for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation – Housing Accelerator Fund (2023); That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to submit the application for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation – Housing Accelerator Fund (2023); That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to approve any changes to the Draft Proposed Action Plan outlined in Attachment # 1 to Report CAO 19-23, prior to submission of the Town’s application for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Housing Accelerator Fund; and, That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute any necessary agreements regarding the application. 9.15LS 07-23, Legal and Enforcement Services Department Report 1.LS 07-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Proposed Towing By-law Amendment with Track Changes.pdf3.Memorandum - Proposed amendments to the Town of Whitby Towing By-law No 6887-14.pdfRe: Proposed Amendments to the Town of Whitby Towing By-law # 6887-14See also Memorandum from A. Albrecht, Supervisor of Parking Services and B. Harasym, Associate Solicitor dated June 14, 2023 regarding Proposed amendments to the Town of Whitby Towing By-law No. 6887-14Note: This item was referred at the Committee of the Whole meeting on June 12, 2023 to the Council meeting on June 19, 2023. Council direction required. Revised recommendation shown below is in accordance with the Memorandum from A. Albrecht, Supervisor of Parking Services and B. Harasym, Associate Solicitor, dated June 14, 2023.Recommendation: That By-law # 6887-14, the Towing By-law, be amended substantially in accordance with Attachment 1 to the Memorandum from A. Albrecht, Supervisor of Parking Services and B. Harasym, Associate Solicitor, dated June 14, 2023; and, That Council direct staff to review current municipal regulations regarding the licensing and governing of tow truck drivers and tow truck businesses, activities, and undertakings in the Town of Whitby. 9.16 Forest Heights Park Basketball Court Recommendation:That the Forest Heights Park and Darren Park basketball court nets and poles be reinstalled as soon as possible.10.For information only - Committee of the Whole Minutes of June 5 and June 12, 2023 1.Committee of the Whole - June 5, 2023.pdf2.Committee of the Whole - June 12, 2023.pdf11.Notice of Motion 12.New and Unfinished Business 13.By-laws Recommendation:That leave be granted to introduce By-laws # 8000-23 to # 8007-23 and to dispense with the reading of the by-laws by the Clerk and that the same be considered read and passed and that the Mayor and the Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed.13.1By-law # 8000-23 1.8000-23.pdfBeing a By-law to amend the Property Standards By-law # 6874-14, as amended.Refer to LS 06-23, Follow up report for proposed amendments to Property Standards By-law 6874-14, Hedge Heights13.2By-law # 8001-23 1.8001-23.pdfBeing a By-law to Amend By-law # 1862-85, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on the Highways and on Certain Private Roadways in the Town of Whitby.Refer to PDE 10-23, Update Traffic By-law 1862-85, No Stopping on Kirkland Place13.3By-law # 8002-23 1.8002-23.pdf2.Memorandum - Administrative Amendments to Fire Route By-law 4084-97.pdfBeing a By-law to Amend By-law # 4084-97, being a By-law to Designate Certain Private Roadways as Fire Routes and to Prohibit Parking thereon.Refer to attached Memorandum from F. Santaguida, Commissioner of Legal and Enforcement Services/Town Solicitor, dated June 19, 2023 regarding Administrative Amendments to the Fire Route By-law # 4084-9713.4By-law # 8003-23 1.8003-23.pdfBeing a By-law to Amend By-law #6887-14, being a by-law to regulate the towing of vehicles from private property within the Town of Whitby.Refer to LS 07-23, Proposed Amendments to the Town of Whitby Towing By-law # 6887-1413.5By-law # 8004-23 1.8004-23.pdf2.Memorandum - Proposed Administrative Amendments to Traffic By-law 1862-85.pdfBeing a By-law to Amend Traffic By-law # 1862-85, as amended.Refer to attached Memorandum from F. Santaguida, Commissioner of Legal and Enforcement Services/Town Solicitor dated June 19, 2023 regarding Proposed Administrative Amendments to Traffic By-law # 1862-8513.6By-law # 8005-23 1.8005-23.pdfBeing a By-law to amend By-law #2585, as amended, being the Zoning By-law of the Town of Whitby.Refer to PDE 32-23, DEV-07-23: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, 2844542 Ontario Inc., 918 Brock Street South, File No. Z-03-2313.7By-law # 8006-23 1.8006-23.pdfBeing a By-law to amend By-law #1784, as amended, being the Zoning By-law of the Town of Whitby.Refer to PDE 31-23, DEV-09-23: Zoning By-law Amendment Application, Winash Developments Limited, 5380 Baldwin Street South, File No. Z-04-23 13.8By-law # 8007-23 1.8007-23.pdf2.Memorandum - Administrative amendments to the Vacant Buildings section of Property Standards By-law 6874-14.pdfBeing a By-law to amend the Property Standards By-law # 6874-14, as amended.Refer to attached Memorandum from A. Gratton, Manager of Enforcement Services, dated June 19, 2023 regarding Administrative amendments to the Vacant Buildings section of Property Standards By-law # 6874-1414.Confirmatory By-law Recommendation:That leave be granted to introduce a by-law and to dispense with the reading of the by-law by the Clerk to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Whitby at its regular meeting held on June 19, 2023 and the same be considered read and passed and that the Mayor and the Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed.15.Adjournment Recommendation:That the meeting adjourn.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.8001-23.pdf1.8000-23.pdf1.PDP 28-23 Staff Report .pdf1.PDP 29-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent's Proposed Common Element Condominium Plan.pdf5.Att 4 - Conditions of Draft Plan of Condominium Approval.pdf6.Att 5 - Agency and Stakeholder Detailed Comments.pdf1.PDP 30-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch PDP 30-23.pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map PDP 30-23.pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent's Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf5.Att 4 - Excerpt from the Brooklin Community Secondary Plan Schedule 'K'.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 1784.pdf7.Att 6 - Composite Transportation Component Plan.pdf8.Att 7 - Public Meeting Minutes.pdf9.Att 8 - Agency and Stakeholder Detailed Comments.pdf10.Att 9 - Conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval.pdf1.LS 05-23 Staff Report.pdf1.LS 06-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 Proposed Property Standards By-law Amendments.pdf1.CMS 06-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Summary of Park Types and Associated Amenities.pdf3.Att 2 - Summary of Sports Needs Assessment.pdf4.Memorandum - Update – CMS 06-23 Bill 23 – Parks Planning Framework.pdf5.Memo Att 1 - Brooklin Secondary Plan.pdf6.Memo Att 2 - West Whitby Local Park Chelseahill Rendering.pdf7.Memo Att 3 - Norista Park.pdf8.Memo Att 4 - Pinecone Park.pdf1.CMS 07-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Town of Whitby Forestry Zones.pdf1.8007-23.pdf2.Memorandum - Administrative amendments to the Vacant Buildings section of Property Standards By-law 6874-14.pdf1.8004-23.pdf2.Memorandum - Proposed Administrative Amendments to Traffic By-law 1862-85.pdf1.Regular Council - May 29, 2023.pdf2.Special Council - May 29, 2023.pdf3.Special Council - June 12, 2023.pdf1.Committee of the Whole - June 5, 2023.pdf2.Committee of the Whole - June 12, 2023.pdf1.8005-23.pdf1.8006-23.pdf1.PDE 10-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Proposed No Stopping Restriction on Kirkland Place.pdf3.Att 2 - Draft By-law to Update Traffic By-law 1862-85 .pdf1.PDE 11-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Possible Highway 412 Connection to Lake Ridge Road.pdf3.Att 2 - Whitby Official Plan - Schedule D - June 2021 Office Consolidation.pdf4.Att 3 - Region of Durham Official Plan - Schedule C - Consolidation May 26, 2020.pdf5.Att 4 - Highway 712 and Columbus Road Scope Provided by BTE.pdf6.Memorandum - Alternate Route Budget.pdf1.PDP 32-23 Staff Report .pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch(1).pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map(1).pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent's Proposed Concept Plan.pdf5.Att 4 - Excerpt from the Town of Whitby Official Plan Schedule 'A'.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Zoning By-Law 2585.pdf7.Att 6 - Public Meeting Minutes.pdf8.Att 7 - Agency and Stakeholder Detailed Comments.pdf1.FS 13-23 Staff Report.pdf1.FS 17-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Building Permit Fees Annual Financial Report, December 31, 2022.pdf1.FS 18-23 Staff Report .pdf2.Att 1 - 2022 Year End Operating Variances by Department.pdf3.Att 2 - Reserve and Reserve Fund Year-End Balances 2020-2022.pdf1.FS 19-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Statement of Development Charge Reserve Funds - December 31, 2022.pdf3.Att 2 - Expenditures Financed from Development Charge Reserve Funds and Other Sources - December 31, 2022.pdf4.Att 3 Statement of the Park Reserve Fund - December 31, 2022.pdf1.FES 03-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Whitby Firefighters - Fallen Firefighters Memorial.pdf1.FES 04-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Whitby Fireworks Survey.pdf1.CAO 15-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Appendix A - Status Update on the IDEA Project, Journey to Inclusivity Recommendations.pdf1.CAO 16-23 Staff Report .pdf1.CAO 17-23 Staff Report.pdf1.CAO 19-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 – Draft Proposed Action Plan for CMHC HAF Application.pdf1.LS 07-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Proposed Towing By-law Amendment with Track Changes.pdf3.Memorandum - Proposed amendments to the Town of Whitby Towing By-law No 6887-14.pdf1.PDP 31-23 Staff Report.pdf2.Att 1 - Location Sketch(2).pdf3.Att 2 - Aerial Context Map(2).pdf4.Att 3 - Proponent's Proposed Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf5.Att 4 - Proponent's Proposed Concept Plan.pdf6.Att 5 - Excerpt from Secondary Plan Schedule K.pdf7.Att 6 - Excerpt from Zoning By-law 1784.pdf8.Att 7 - Public Meeting Minutes(1).pdf9.Att 8 - Agency and Stakeholder Detailed Comments(1).pdf1.8002-23.pdf2.Memorandum - Administrative Amendments to Fire Route By-law 4084-97.pdf1.8003-23.pdf